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Wonderware InTouch Basic: How to Start

Historical Trend Wonderware Intouch :-https://youtu.be/tf_KmkBpKyg
Configuring Real-time Trends Wonderware intouch :-https://youtu.be/UbDIdU8ggJ4    

Create New Applications, Windows, and Graphics Wonderware intouch

Wonderware intouch free download

Create a New ApplicationNote: The Application that appears in the following steps was created during the Instructor-Led steps earlier in this module. If you did not create it, do so now. Otherwise, move to the section in this lab entitled,  

Wonderware InTouch Basic 111

1. Select Start / Programs / Wonderware / InTouch  The Application Manager appears:

wonderware intouch

2. Click the New tool on the Application Manager toolbar.

Wonderware InTouch Basic 112

The Create New Application dialog box appears, allowing you to specify a default directory for storing applications.

3. Enter c: applications in the directory field.   

4. Click the Set as Default Directory checkbox.    

Wonderware InTouch Basic 6

 5. Click Next.    

6. Create a directory where the application will be created.  

Wonderware InTouch Basic 5

7. Click Next.   

8. Enter InTouch Basic in the Name: field and a description (optional) in the Description box.   Note: Confirm the InTouchView Application option is deselected. It is only applicable in the ArchestrA environment, with Industrial Application Server.      

Wonderware InTouch Basic 4

9 . Click Finish.

  The InTouch – Application Manager reappears displaying an icon, the path, and the Version,Mode, and Description of the new application:  

new application

Note: When the application is first displayed in the Application Manager, the resolution and version are displayed as 0. After they are opened, the resolution and version details are updated.     

Create a New WindowNote: The Window that appears in the following steps was described during the Instructor-Led steps earlier in this module. If you did not create it, do so now. Otherwise, move to the section in this lab entitled,   

10. Double-click the InTouch Basic application

Wonderware InTouch Basic1

A blank application appears in the development environment:      

Wonderware InTouch Basic 113

11. Click the New Window icon .  

The Window Properties dialog box appears:    

Wonderware InTouch Basic 6

12. Enter Scratch in the Name: field.  

13. Click OK.

The new window displays in WindowMaker:

Wonderware InTouch Basic 7

14. Click the bottom right corner of the window and drag it to resize the window.  

Create New Graphics   This task demonstrates creating a simple valve object and button within the new window.   Open the Scratch Window if it is not already open.    

15. Click the Polygon toolbar icon and draw a triangle.  

Wonderware InTouch Basic 8

16. Select the triangle and click the Duplicate toolbar icon.  

17. Click the Rotate / Flip tools in the Arrange toolbar.  

Wonderware InTouch Basic 6

Tip: Hold down the SHIFT key when you click an object to prevent the object from moving.     Next, you will position the two halves of the valve as shown using the arrow keys or the mouse.

18. Hold down the SHIFT key or CTRL key and use the arrow keys to move the object 10 or 50 pixels respectively.  

Wonderware InTouch Basic10

19. Select the Rectangle toolbar icon.   20. Draw a long rectangle and position it similarly to the following figure.  

Wonderware InTouch Basic 11

                                    21. Pull down the Arrange menu from the main WindowMaker window. Notice that the menu command Snap to Grid is checked:    

Wonderware InTouch Basic 12

                                                      Deselecting the Snap to Grid property makes it possible to arrange your objects more precisely. The dot pattern on the Scratch window disappears when Snap to Grid is turned off, which allows an object to move one pixel. Toggle the grid on and off with the Arrange menu or by clicking on the grid button on the View toolbar.    

Wonderware InTouch Basic 13

22. Select the stem object and click Send to Back . This positions the stem object behind the other objects and makes a cleaner object.

23. Click the Ellipse toolbar icon.       24. Add the valve handle using the ellipse shape and position it similarly to the following figure:    

Wonderware InTouch Basic 14

25. Select the Text toolbar icon.  

26. Add the text Valve1 to a location just below the valve object.  

Wonderware InTouch Basic 15

27. Right-click the text object and select Fonts. The Font dialog box appears:

Wonderware InTouch Basic 16

28. Select the Arial font, Bold, 12 point. Making the font True-Type ensures the text will remain consistent if it is run on another system or is resized.   29. Click OK. The valve is now composed of four separate objects and a text object.   30. Press the F2 key to select all objects in the window.    

Wonderware InTouch Basic 17

31. Click the Make Symbol toolbar icon . The entire symbol can now be resized by clicking and dragging the corner handles.

Wonderware InTouch Basic 29

32. Click the Button toolbar icon  and draw a button below the valve symbol.  

Wonderware InTouch Basic 30

33. Select the button and press Ctrl+L.    

The Substitute Strings dialog box appears:    

Wonderware InTouch Basic 31

34. In the New String field, enter DiscTag1.  

35. Click OK.  

36. Edit the Font properties of the button to match the text string: Select Arial, Bold, 12 point. 

The Scratch window should now look similar to the  following figure:    

Wonderware InTouch Basic 32

37. Save the Scratch window.

Opening and Closing Windows Wonderware intouch

You can create touch links to open and close other InTouch windows by using show window and hide window links. You can program objects to open more than one window at a time. However, if you program your link to open more than one window, be aware of any intersections and window types. If one of the opening windows is a replacement type window and intersects another opening window, the other window closes before opening. To create a show (or hide) window link

Opening and Closing Windows

  • Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Touch Pushbutton area, click Show Window or Hide Window. The Windows to Show when touched or Windows to Hide when touched dialog box appears.
  • Select the window(s) to open or hide.
  • Click OK.

Enabling Analog Input Wonderware intouch

You can create an object for operators to input real values such as alarm set point or conveyor speed by using an analog input link.

Enabling Analog Input wonderware intouch

To create an analog input link

  • Right-click an object and select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Touch Links area, under User Inputs, select Analog. The Input -> Analog Tagname dialog box appears.
  • In the Tagname box, type the name of an analog tag.
  • In the Key Equivalent area, assign a key equivalent to the link.
  • Configure the analog input details. Do the following:

In the Keypad? area, click Yes if you want to show an on-screen numeric keypad for inputting the new value. In the Msg to User box, type the prompt message that you want to appear in keypad.

In the Min Value and Max Value boxes, type the minimum and maximum input values for the tag.

  • Select the Input Only check box to prevent the input from appearing in a text field associated with the object.
  • Click OK.

Enabling Discrete Input wonderware intouch

You can design operator input touch links to change the value of discrete tags from one state to another. For example to turn a pump on or off, use discrete links. To create a discrete input link.

  • Right-click an object and select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Touch Links area, under User Inputs, select Discrete. The Input -> Discrete Tagname dialog box appears.
  • In the Tagname box, type the name of a discrete tag.
  • Optionally, in the Key Equivalent area, assign a key equivalent to the link.
  • Configure the discrete input details. Do the following:

In the Msg to User box, type the message to appear in the Input dialog box.

In the Set Prompt and Reset Prompt boxes, type the messages to appear on the buttons the operator will click to turn the discrete value on and off.

In the On Message and Off Message boxes, type the messages to appear in the text field associated with the object when the value is on or off.

  • Select the Input Only check box to prevent the input from appearing in a text field associated with the object.
  • Click OK

Creating Movement Wonderware intouch

You make objects move or Creating Movement at run time by using location links. You can make an object move horizontally, vertically, or both, as the value of an analog tag or expression changes. For example, as a tank level increases and decreases, an indicator moves up and down.

Creating Movement

To create horizontal movement

  • Place the object on the screen in the starting location.
  • Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Location area, click Horizontal. The Horizontal Location dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression box, type an analog tag name or an expression that equates to an analog value.
  • In the Properties area, configure how far the object moves. Do the following:
  • In the At Left End box, type the value of the analog tag when the object should be at its farthest left position.
  • In the At Right End box, type the value of the analog tag when the object should be at its farthest right position.
  • In the To Left box, type the number of pixels the object should move to the left of its starting position.
  • In the To Right box, type the number of pixels the object should move to the right of its starting position.
  • Click OK.

Creating Movement

To create vertical movement

  • Place the object on the screen in the starting location.
  • Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Location area, click Vertical. The Vertical Location dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression box, type an analog tag name or an expression that equates to an analog value.
  • In the Properties area, do the following:
  • In the At Top box, type the value of the analog tag when the object should be at the top position.
  • In the At Bottom box, type the value of the analog tag when the object should be at the bottom position.
  • In the Up box, type the number of pixels the object should move up from the starting position.
  • In the Down box, type the number of pixels the object should move down from the starting position.
  • Click OK.

For a video tutorial for Creating Movement go AWZTECH youtube channel.

Creating Rotation Wonderware intouch

You can make an object move around a center point as the value of an analog tag changes by using orientation links. For example, as pressure increases or decreases, a pointer can move around a dial. The orientation link uses the center of the object or symbol as the default center of rotation. You can offset the center of rotation. Orientation links are not supported for ArchestrA graphics. Tip Draw a temporary rectangle from the center of the object to the rotation center point. Now you can read the X and Y offset dimensions in pixels from the W, H boxes in the status bar. To create an orientation link

Creating Rotation wonderware intouch
Wonderware InTouch

Creating Rotation

  • Right-click the object and click Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Miscellaneous area, click Orientation. The Orientation -> Analog Value dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression box, type the name of an analog tag or an expression that equates to an analog value.
  • In the Properties area, do the following:
  • In the Value at Max CCW box, type the value the expression must be for the object to rotate to the maximum counter-clockwise position.
  • In the Value at Max CW box, type the value the expression must be for the object to rotate to its maximum clockwise position.
  • In the CCW Rotation box, type the degrees the object rotates counter-clockwise when the Value at Max CCW is reached.
  • In the CW Rotation box, type the degrees the object rotates clockwise when the Value at Max CW is reached.
  • In the Center of Rotation Offset from Object Centerpoint area, do the following:
  • In the X Position box, type the horizontal offset of the rotation centerpoint. Enter the offset in pixels from the centerpoint of the object.
  • In the Y Position box, type the vertical offset of the rotation centerpoint. Enter the offset in pixels from the centerpoint of the object.
  • Click OK

For Creating Rotation video tutorial subscribe to the youtube channel.

Animating Sizes

You can vary the height and/or width of an object according to the value of an analog tag or expression by using object size links. For example, a pressure indicator can become larger as pressure increases or an object on a conveyor can appear to move toward the viewer by becoming larger. Object size links not only control the size of an object, but the direction in which the object changes size through the use of an anchor for the animation.

To create a object size height link Animating Sizes

  • Right-click the object and click Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Object Size area, click Height. The Object Height -> Analog Value dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression box, type the name of an analog tag or an expression that equates to an analog value.
  • In the Properties area, do the following:
  • In the Value at Max Height box, type the value of the tag or expression when the object reaches maximum height.
  • In the Value at Min Height box, type the value of the tag or expression when the object reaches minimum height.
  • In the Max % Height box, type the percentage of its original height that the object will be when the tagname or expression reaches the value set in the Value at Max Height box. The percent figures are expressed as a percentage of the drawn size of the object. The drawn size is always the 100% size.
  • In the Min % Height box, type the percentage of its original height that the object will be when the tagname or expression reaches the value set in the Value at Min Height box. The percent figures are expressed as a percentage of the drawn size of the object. The drawn size is always 100% size.
  • Select the Anchor point from which the object enlarges. Select Top for the object to enlarge from its top downward. Select Middle for the object to enlarge from its center point outwards in both directions. Select Bottom for the object to enlarge from its bottom upwards.
  • Click OK.

To create an object size width link Animating Sizes

  • Right-click the object and click Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Object Size area, click Width. The Object Width -> Analog Value dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression box, type the name of an analog tag or an expression that equates to an analog value.
  • In the Properties area, do the following:
  • In the Value at Max Width box, type the value of the tag or expression when the object reaches maximum width.
  • In the Value at Min Width box, type the value of the tag or expression when the object reaches minimum width.
  • In the Max % Width box, type the percentage of its original width that the object will be when the tagname or expression reaches the value set in the Value at Max Width box. The percent figures are expressed as a percentage of the drawn size of the object. The drawn size is always the 100% size.
  • In the Min % Width box, type the percentage of its original width that the object will be when the tagname or expression reaches the value set in the Value at Min Width box. The percent figures are expressed as a percentage of the drawn size of the object. The drawn size is always the 100% size.
  • Select the Anchor point from which the object enlarges in width. Select Left for the object to enlarge from its left side. Select Center for the object to enlarge from its centerpoint outwards in both directions. Select Right for the object to enlarge from its right side.
  • Click OK

Enabling Sliders Wonderware intouch

How to use sliders Youtube video:-https://youtu.be/SCz-khMTuGA

You can create objects that users can drag back and forth through the use of slider touch links. As the user moves the object, it alters the value of the tag linked to it. You can link an object to a horizontal or a vertical slider. When you make an object into a slider, you set the reference location, which is the point on the object the cursor uses to lock onto it. You can use both horizontal and vertical links on a single object, so that the value of two analog tags are altered simultaneously.

To create a horizontal slider link.

Enabling Sliders Wonderware intouch

  • Right-click the object and click Animation Links. The Animation Link selection dialog box appears.
  • In the Slider area, click Horizontal. The Horizontal Slider dialog box appears.
  • In the Tagname box, type the name of an analog tag.
  • In the Properties area, do the following:
  • In the At Left End box, type the value for the tag when the slider is in its farthest left position.
  • In the At Right End box, type the value for the tag when the slider is in its farthest right position.
  • In the To Left box, type the number of pixels the slider can move to the left.
  • In the To Right box, type the number of pixels the slider can move to the right.
  • In the Reference Location area, click the location on the object that the cursor will use to lock onto the object.
  • Click OK.

To create a vertical slider link

Enabling Sliders wonderware intouch

  • Right-click the object and click Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Slider area, click Vertical. The Vertical Slider dialog box appears.
  • In the Tagname box, type the name of an analog tag.
  • In the Properties area, do the following:
  • In the At Top box, type the value for the tag when the slider is in its farthest up position.
  • In the At Bottom box, type the value for the tag when the slider is in its farthest down position.
  • In the Up box, type the number of pixels the slider can move up.
  • In the Down box, type the number of pixels the slider can move down.
  • In the Reference Location area, click the location on the object that the cursor will use to lock onto the object.
  • Click OK.

Disabling Objects Wonderware InTouch

Disabling Objects Wonderware intouch
Wonderware InTouch

Wonderware Intouch Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/2uzKFMi

You can impose a level of security on your application with disable links. For example, you can disable touch-sensitive objects based on operator access level or name. Or you can secure a button from tampering if no one is logged on. A disabled state of ON means the touch functionality of the object or button is turned off and is not active as long as the expression is true. Tip Discrete expressions can contain analog tagnames. For example, TankLevel >= 75. In this example, when the value of the variable “TankLevel” is greater than or equal to 75, the object is disabled. To create a disabled link

  • Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Miscellaneous area, click Disable. The Object Disabled -> Discrete Value dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression box, type the name of a discrete tag or expression that equates to a discrete value.
  • In the Disabled State area, do one of the following:

Disabling Objects

Select On to set the disabled state so that the object does not activate while the discrete tag or expression is true.

Select Off to remove the disabled state and allow the object to function while the discrete tag or expression is true.

  • Click OK

Creating Keyboard Shortcuts Wonderware intouch

Create Keyboard Shortcuts wonderware intouch
Wonderware InTouch

You can assign a specific key on the keyboard to activate certain animation links by using key equivalent links. The key equivalent is only operational when the object with the link is visible or selected. If the object has visibility or a disabled link, the key equivalent is not active when the object is disabled.

You can define the same key in multiple windows. However, the definition in the most recently opened window is the active one. In the case of overlay windows, the key is active in the window on top.
Note If any object or action push button in the active window is assigned to the same key used for a key action script, the key equivalent link on the key in the active window takes precedence over the execution of the key action script.
The animation links that support key equivalents appears the Key Equivalent area in their link dialog boxes.
Key links are only available for function keys 1-16. If you are using a custom keyboard that has more than 16 function keys, get a device driver from your manufacturer that allows you to access the extended function keys on your system.
To assign a key to a link

Open the Animation Links dialog box for the type of link you are configuring.

Select Ctrl and/or Shift if you want the operator to hold down either or both of these keys when pressing the key equivalent.

Click Key. The Choose key dialog box appears.

Click the key to assign to the link. The Animation Link dialog box reappears with the name of the selected key next to the Key button.

Click OK.

Enabling Visibility Wonderware intouch

You can create links to hide objects based on the values of various tags by using visibility links. Using visibility links, you can:

Create the impression that moving objects only move in one direction, by hiding them when they move in the wrong direction.

Create the impression that a moving object has stopped.

Cause an object such as an alarm or error message to become visible only when it is activated

.Tip Discrete expressions can contain analog tags, for example, TankLevel >= 75. In this example, when the value of the tag, TankLevel is greater than or equal to 75, the object becomes visible in the window. To create a visibility link

  • Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Miscellaneous area, click Visibility. The Object Visibility -> Discrete Value dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression box, type the name of a discrete tag or an expression that equates to a discrete value.
  • Select the Visible State for the object. If you select Off, the object is invisible when the value of the expression is true. If you select On, the object is visible when the value of the expression is true.
  • Click OK

Configuring ToolTips Wonderware intouch

You can create ToolTips to give users information about an object on the screen by using tooltip links. ToolTips appear when the pointer moves over the object and disappears when the pointer is moved away. The duration of time the tooltip appears and the positioning of the tooltip is determined by the operating system. You can set either an expression or static text for your tooltips.

Create a static tooltip to show the same message every time the tooltip appears.

Create an expression tooltip so that every time the tooltip appears, the expression is evaluated and shown as the tooltip text.   For the following example expression, the text appears as the current value of the msgTooltipTag01 message tag. msgTooltipTag01 For this example, the literal string appears followed by the current value of the iTemp tag and the result appears as the tooltip text: “Current temp. is ” + StringFromIntg (iTemp,10) To create a tooltip link

  • Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box opens.
  • In the Miscellaneous area, click Tooltip. The Object Tooltip -> String Tagname dialog box appears.
  • In the Tooltip Attributes area, select either Expression or Static text.

If you select Expression, enter an expression that evaluates to a message value. This can be a simple message tagname or a more complex expression.

If you select Static text, enter a static message, up to 131 characters, as the tooltip text.

  • Click OK

Useful Links:-

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