WinCC archive tag query string
From the beginning, WinCC Archive 7.4 SP1 supports string-type factors. We’re likewise utilizing an interface that gives a question string variable chronicle. In any case, so far as of the TIA Portal V15.1, TIA WinCC Professional doesn’t uphold file string type factors. Two, WinCC Report ControlÂ
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WinCC Report Control (WinCC chronicle information report control) is HwLib (Huilan Bo) specialized group that fostered a free prearranging proclamations control. The report has the accompanying attributes.Â
1. without composing a line of content, to produce an excellent information report through a basic design;Â
2. you can redo the question time, support for producing classes, day, month, and yearly reports;Â
3. can tweak the report title, foundation tone, and textual style;Â
4. segment headings can be redone, and the variable name is supplanted chronicle custom name;Â
5. redo the presentation of decimal spots;
6. the total measure of help, normal, greatest, and least distinction;
7. upholds a majority of various report designs;
8. and supports print review information;
9. traded to Excel support;
10. gives API interfaces, it very well might be utilized to control the circumstance VBS programmed report age and printing;
11. support running on the customer, the worker name of the filed information can be given;
12. supporting custom report printing styles;
13. a diagram show support;
14. upholds question string type factors;
15. might be implanted in WinCC pictures, and your mix project;
The different parameters used in this example query string are:
- TAG: specifies the name of the tag to retrieve data for.
- START: specifies the start date and time of the data to be retrieved.
- END: specifies the end date and time of the data to be retrieved.
- INTERVAL: specifies the sampling interval for the data.
- MODE: specifies the calculation mode to be used for the retrieved data.
The query string syntax and available parameters may vary depending on the version of WinCC you are using. Please refer to the WinCC documentation for more information on how to construct archive tag query strings.
- Query string syntax: The query string syntax may vary depending on the version of WinCC you are using. In general, the syntax follows the format “KEYWORD:VALUE”, where the keyword specifies the type of data to retrieve and the value specifies the search criteria. Multiple keywords can be used in a single query string, separated by semicolons.
- Query string keywords: WinCC supports a variety of keywords that can be used to construct archive tag query strings. Some commonly used keywords include TAG (to specify the tag name), START and END (to specify the time range of the data), INTERVAL (to specify the sampling interval), and MODE (to specify the calculation mode). Other keywords may be used to filter the data by quality, event type, or other criteria.
- Query string values: The values specified in the query string depend on the keyword being used. For example, the TAG keyword requires a string value that corresponds to the name of the tag being queried. The START and END keywords require date/time values that define the time range of the data being queried. The INTERVAL keyword requires a value that specifies the time interval between data samples, such as “1h” for hourly data or “5m” for data sampled every 5 minutes.
- Query string results: Once a query string is executed, WinCC returns the requested data in a format that depends on the query string parameters. For example, a query string that retrieves data for a single tag over a specified time range may return a table of values with one row per data sample. The table may include additional columns that provide information about the quality of the data, the event type that generated the data, or other metadata.
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