Alarms and Events Window Popup Wonderware InTouch :-

Inhibiting Alarms
There are several ways to inhibit alarms in different systems. One common method is to use an inhibit switch, which is a physical switch that can be turned on or off to disable alarms. Another method is to use a software-based inhibit function, which allows the user to disable alarms through a computer or other device. In some cases, an alarm may also be inhibited by entering a code or password. It’s important to note that inhibiting an alarm should only be done by authorized personnel and that proper procedures should be followed to prevent unauthorized or accidental inhibition.
In addition to the methods mentioned earlier, there are other ways to inhibit alarms depending on the specific system. For example, in fire alarm systems, an alarm can be temporarily silenced by activating a manual pull station, but this does not inhibit the alarm and the system will still signal for help. In some intrusion alarm systems, alarms can be temporarily silenced by entering a code on a keypad, but the alarm will be reactivated if the code is not entered again within a certain time period.
It’s also important to note that inhibiting an alarm can have serious consequences if it prevents the alarm from activating in the event of an emergency. For this reason, it’s important to have clear policies and procedures in place for inhibiting alarms and to ensure that only authorized personnel are able to do so.
Moreover, regular maintenance and testing of alarm systems are necessary to ensure the system is working correctly, and that any issues or malfunctions are promptly addressed.
Inhibiting Alarms Wonderware InTouch
You can optionally assign to each alarm or alarm sub-state an inhibitor alarm tag that prevents the alarm from transitioning into an active state.
When the inhibitor tag value becomes and remains TRUE (non-zero or non-NULL), the alarm is inhibited.
Likewise, when the inhibitor alarm tag becomes and remains FALSE (zero or NULL), the alarm is not inhibited.
You can only change the inhibitor tag in WindowMaker. You can change the value of an inhibitor tag at run time.
You can assign inhibitor tags to individual alarm sub-states. Each sub-state can be inhibited by a different tag, and you can leave some sub-states with no inhibitor tag assigned.
An alarm that is inhibited (and for which the tag is TRUE) is not waiting for an acknowledgment. If the alarm has sub-states, it can only be waiting for an acknowledgment of sub-states that are still available.
An alarm or sub-state can be independently disabled, inhibited, or both. Only if the alarm is both enabled and not actively inhibited is the alarm capable of becoming active.
If an alarm or sub-state has no inhibitor tag assigned to it, the effect is the same as if it had an inhibitor tag which is always FALSE.
Whenever the transition causes an alarm to change from being actively inhibited, the checking logic determines whether InTouch should put the item in the alarmed state.
If an alarm becomes actively inhibited while the item is in an alarmed state, the item must be forced to a different (valid) state. What that state should depend upon which states are available and whether they have also been disabled or actively inhibited. This activity is handled by InTouch according to the type of alarm, limit values, and so on.
If an alarm (or an alarm sub-state) becomes actively inhibited while waiting for an acknowledgment, the item must be forced to a different (valid) state. As with whether the item is alarmed, InTouch must determine what this state should be.
Alarm inhibitor tags are included in use counts and license limitations.
Alarm dotfields
Use the following read-only tag dotfields to get the name of the Inhibiting Alarms tag:
These fields return the name of an Inhibiting Alarms tag. Therefore, you can use the name in an indirect tag reference in an InTouch QuickScript to find out the current value of the alarm inhibitor tag, or to change the value of the alarm inhibitor tag. By doing this, you can force groups of alarms to be enabled or actively inhibited during run time.
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