HomeAwzTechHow to Animation Wonderware Intouch

How to Animation Wonderware Intouch

Create or Enabling Push Buttons Wonderware intouch

You can create touch-sensitive objects that start action scripts by using touch push button links.
Action scripts can set tags to specific values, start and control other applications, execute functions, and so on.

How to Enabling Push Buttons Wonderware intouch

To create a discrete value touch link

Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.

  • In the Touch Pushbutton area, click Discrete Value. The Pushbutton -> Discrete Value dialog box appears.
  • In the Tagname box, type a discrete type tagname.
  • Click Key to assign a key equivalent to the link.
  • In the Action area, click one of the following types:

Click Direct to set the value equal to 1 as long as the push button is pressed and held down. The value automatically resets to 0 when the button is released.

Click Reverse to set the value equal to 0 when the push button is pressed and held down. The value automatically resets to 1 when the button is released.

Click Toggle to reverse the state of the discrete tag.

Click Reset to set the value equal to 0.

Click Set to set the value equal to 1.

Click OK.

To create an action script link
Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.

In the Touch Pushbutton area, click Action. The Touch -> Action Script editor appears.

In the Condition Type list, select a script type.
Note If you assign a key equivalent link to an action push button and to the same key is used for a key script, the key equivalent link you assign takes precedence over the key script.

In the Script Editor window, type the script to execute when the object is activated.

Click OK.

Create or enable String Input Wonderware in touch

You can create an object to enable users to input text strings such as batch names, operator ID, or passwords by using string input links.

How to create or Enabling String Input wonderware intouch

To create a string input link

Right-click an object and select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.

In the Touch Links area, under User Inputs, select String. The Input -> String Tagname dialog box appears.

In the Tagname box, type the name of a message tag.
Optionally configure a key equivalent and/or keyboard.

In the Key Equivalent area, assign a key equivalent to the link.

In the Keypad? area, click Yes if you want to show a keyboard for inputting the new value. In the Msg to User box, type the message to appear on the keyboard.

In the Echo Characters? area, select if you want characters to appear in the input box as the user types the string.

Click Yes to show the typed text in the input box.

Click No to not show the typed text.

Click Password to use a “masking” character instead of the typed text. In the Password Char box, type the masking character. Select the Encrypt check box to encrypt the password.

ImportantPassword encryption only works within the context of the InTouch HMI. Do not encrypt the string if you want to pass it to an external security system, such as the operating system or a SQL Server database. The external security system cannot read the encrypted password string and access will fail.

Select the Input Only check box to prevent the input from appearing in a text field associated with the object.

Click OK.

Animating Fill Levels value Wonderware in touch

Animating Fill Levels

You can vary the fill level of an object using a percent fill link. The percent fill is based on the value of an analog tag or expression. You can create horizontal fills, vertical fills, or both. For example, you can use a vertical fill link to show the level of liquid in a tank or a horizontal fill levels link to show the progress of a process. You create the horizontal and vertical percent fill links the same way.

Animating Fill Levels wonderware intouch

To create a percent fill levels link

  • Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Percent Fill area, do one of the following:

Click Vertical, the Vertical Fill -> Analog Value dialog box appears.

Click Horizontal, the Horizontal Fill -> Analog Value dialog box appears.

  • In the Expression box, type the name of an analog tag or an expression that equates to an analog value.
  • In the Properties area, do the following:
  • In the Value at Max Fill box, type the value of the expression that will result in the object being filled to its maximum level.
  • In the Value at Min Fill box, type the value of the expression that will result in the object being filled to its minimum level.
  • In the Max % Fill box, type the percentage (0-100) that the object will be filled when the expression reaches the level set in the Value at Max Fill box.
  • In the Min % Fill box, type the percentage (0-100) that the object will be filled when the expression reaches the level set in the Value at Min Fill box.
  • In the Direction area, click the direction to fill from.
  • In the Background Color box, select the color of the unfilled portion of the object.

The actual fill color is the color that you select for the object when you draw it.

If you link both vertical percent fill levels and horizontal percent fill links to the same object, the last color you select is the background color.

  • Click OK

Animating Colors Wonderware intouch

Animating Colors wonderware intouch

You can animate color changes to any object by using color links. Changes can be based on the value of an analog or discrete tag, the value of an analog or discrete expression, or discrete or analog alarm status. You can use three kinds of color links to animate objects:

Line Color and Fill Color

Animating Colors wonderware intouch

Text Color   For each of these three kinds of color links, four types of expressions can control color changes.

  Expression Type   Changes the color based on
  Discrete  The value of a discrete tag or expression.
  Analog   The value of an analog tag or expression. You can define ten colors to represent differing values.
  Discrete Alarm   The alarm state of a tag, Alarm Group, or Group Variable.
  Analog Alarm   The alarm state of an analog tag, Alarm Group, or Group Variable. You can define five colors to represent five alarm conditions.
Animating Colors

WARNING! Objects do not go into an alarm state when using an analog alarm link if the link is to a remote tag from an unconverted application created before InTouch version 7.11. All discrete color links are created in the same way. The following procedure describes creating a fill color link. To create a discrete fill color link

  • Right-click the object and click Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Fill Color area, click Discrete. The Fill Color -> Discrete Expression dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression box, type the name of a discrete tag or a discrete expression that equates to true or false.

Discrete expressions can contain analog tags. For example, TankLevel >= 75. In this example, when the value of the variable “TankLevel” is greater than or equal to 75, the fill color of the object changes.

  • In the Colors area, click each color box to open the color palette. Select the color to use for each state.
  • Click OK.

To create an analog expression color link for Animating Colors

  • Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Fill Color area, click Analog. The Fill Color -> Analog Expression dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression box, type the name of an analog tag or an expression that equates to an analog value.
  • In the Break Points area, do the following. Specify the breakpoint values where the object changes color.

Tip You do not have to use ten different colors. For example, if you only want the object to change color three times, type three values and use the same color for the remaining values. If you need a more versatile range, review the analog fill capabilities of ArchestrA symbols. In the Colors area, select a color for each breakpoint.

Click OK.  

Create a discrete alarm status color link Animating Colors

  • Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Fill Color area, click Discrete Alarm. The Fill Color -> Discrete Tagname Alarm Status dialog box appears.
  • In the Tagname box, type the name of the discrete tag to associate with the object.
  • In the Colors area, select a color for each alarm state.
  • Click OK.

Create an analog alarm status color link Animating Colors

  • Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Fill Color area, click Analog Alarm. The Fill Color -> Analog Tagname Alarm Status dialog box appears.
  • In the Tagname box, type the name of an analog tag to associated with the object.

In the Alarm Type area, select from one of the three types of alarms to associate with the object.

Alarm Type       

Use up to Value.

Five colors to show the status of the value alarms. Deviation           

Three colors to show the status of the deviation alarms.

ROC (Rate of Change)  Two colors to show the status of a rate-of change alarm.    

In the Colors area, select a color for each alarm state.

Click OK

Create Value Displays Wonderware intouch

Value Display

Use a value display text object to show the value of a tag. This lets you show things like fill levels, on/off status, or alarm messages. You can use any one of three types of value display links to show messages at runtime.  

  Value Display Type    Shows
  Discrete   Discrete values such as on or off
  Analog   The value of an analog expression such as fill level or speed.  
  String  The value of a string expression such as “Fill Level = 100”.

You can use up to 1023 characters in an expression. If you need a larger expression, create a QuickFunction and call it in your expression. Messages appear in the location of the original text object using the font, size, color, alignment, and linked attributes set for that object. The original contents of the field have no effect on the message at runtime. To create a discrete value display link

  • Right-click the text object and click Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Value Display area, click Discrete. The Output -> Discrete Expression dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression box, type the name of a discrete tag or an expression that equates to a discrete value. For example:


  • In the On Message box, type the message to appear when the value of the expression equals 1, true, on, or yes. For example:

Pump is ON

  • In the Off Message box, type the message to appear when the value of the expression equals 0, false, off, or no. For example:

Pump is OFF

  • Click OK.

To create an analog value display link

  • Right-click the text object and click Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Value Display area, click Analog. The Output -> Analog Expression dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression box, type an analog (integer or real) tagname or an expression that equates to an analog value. For example:


  • Click OK.

To create a string value display link

  • Right-click the text object and click Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Value Display area, click String. The Output -> String Expression dialog box appears. 
  • In the Expression box, type the name of a message tag or an expression that uses a message tag. For example:
“The Tank Level is:” + Text(TankLevel,”#”)

  • Click OK

Making Objects Blink Wonderware intouch

You can create animated objects that blink based on the values of tags by using blink links. For example, you can create an object that blinks red when a certain piece of equipment is on, or when an alarm set point is reached. Tip Discrete expressions can contain analog tagnames. For example, TankLevel > 75. In this example, when the value of the TankLevel tag is greater than 75, the object begins blinking.

Objects Blink wonderware intouch

To create a blink link

  • Right-click the object and then select Animation Links. The Animation Links dialog box appears.
  • In the Miscellaneous area, click Blink. The Object Blinking -> Discrete Value dialog box appears.
  • In the Expression – Blink When box, type the name of a discrete tag or an expression that equates to a discrete value.
  • In the Blinked Attributes area, do the following:   

Click Blink Invisible to set the object to blink by disappearing and reappearing in the window.

Click objects Blink visible with these attributes to set the object to remain visible, but change color when activated.

Click the Text Color, Line Color or Fill Color boxes to select colors for those parts of the object. The color palette appears.

Note If you select a fill blink color that is the same as the object’s fill color, the object does not appear to blink.

Objects Blink Wonderware intouch

  • In the Blink Speed area, set the blinking speed of the object. Click either SlowMedium, or Fast.

Click OK.
To set the blink frequency for WindowMaker

  • On the Special menu, point to Configure and then click WindowViewer. The WindowViewer Properties dialog box appears.
  • In the Blink Frequency area, type the number of milliseconds to use for the three speeds.

Note Changes you make to these settings are global and affect all blink speeds in your application.<

  • Click OK

Creating a Tag Filter wonderware in touch

If you have a large number of tags in your Tagname Dictionary, finding the tag for an animation can be cumbersome. For example, you may only want to see the tags assigned to a particular Access Name or Alarm Group. You can configure a filter so that only a subset of tags are shown in the Select Tag dialog box.

You can use the following wildcard expressions in your filter.

The multiple character wildcard is the asterisk (*). For example, “Asyn*” searches for all tagnames beginning with the characters “Asyn”.

The single character wildcard is the question mark (?). For example, the “Tag?” filter searches for all fourcharacter tagnames that begin with “Tag”. The “Tag*” filter searches for all tagnames that begin with “Tag”.

Any sequence of valid tagname characters, together with the two wildcard characters, is acceptable in a filter. Valid tagname characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, !, @, -, #, $, %, _ and &.

To define a search filter

In the Select Tag dialog box, click the ellipsis button next to the Filter list. The Define Tag Filter dialog box appears.

In the Filter Name box, type a filter name.

In the Filter Options area, configure the filter criteria. Do any of the following:

In the Tagname box, type the tag name.

In the Tag Type box, type the tag type.

In the Access Name box, type the local Access Name.

In the Alarm Group box, type the Alarm Group name.

In the Comment box, type the comment expression.

Click OK. The Filter Name appears in the Filter list in the Select Tag dialog box. You can select the filter to show the tags meeting the filter criteria.

To delete a search filter

In the Filter Name box, click the filter.

Click Delete.

Changing Tagname References wonderware intouch

When you duplicate an object, you get an exact copy of the original including links, animation, scripts and so on. However, if you need to use a different tag on a duplicated object, you must substitute a tag.
You can select and substitute a tag for any object and you can select multiple objects and substitute all their tags at the same time.

If your system license supports a limited number of tagnames, convert your local tags to remote tag references to reduce the number of tags defined in your local Tagname Dictionary.
Substituting a tag works for all tags and references.
To substitute a tag with another tag

Select the object(s) associated with the tag to change to another tag.

On the Special menu, click Substitute Tags. The Substitute Tagnames dialog box appears.

In the New Name box, type the new tagname.

If you double-click a tag in the New Name box, its definition in the Tagname Dictionary appears.

If you erase the tagname then double-click the blank box, the Select Tag dialog box appears.

Click OK. The tag associated with the object is automatically changed.

Deleting Tags Wonderware in touch

Template maker or Supertags WONDERWARE INTOUCH :-https://youtu.be/5u-iiBD66do
Tags and Tag Features WONDERWARE INTOUCH :-https://youtu.be/F3lxcKqVkts
DeletingTags in WONDERWARE INTOUCH :-https://youtu.be/bZEcizOymaA
Creating and Using Indrict Tags Wonderware Intouch :-https://youtu.be/0nfihdEKhBQ  

Upon completion of this post, you should be able to:  

Update Use Count   Delete tags  

Update Use Count Close any open WindowMaker windows.

Select Special / Update Use Counts.  

Deleting Tags

WindowMaker prompts you to confirm the Update operation:  

Deleting Tags 1

3. Click Yes.    

Deleting Tags 2

4. Click OK.            

Delete Tags  

Select Special / Delete Unused Tags from the WindowMaker menu.   The Choose Names to Delete…dialog box appears. The list of unused tags on your system may be different.  

Deleting Tags 3

Select one or more tags for deletion.  

Deleting Tags4

Click Delete.  

The system prompts to confirm the delete operation.  

Deleting Tags 5

Click OK.    

Deleting Tags

9. Click OK.  

Converting Placeholder Tags wonderware intouch

If you import or export a window or QuickScript to or from your current application, all the tags associated with that window or QuickScript are transferred with the window.

The local tags are not automatically added to your application database. Instead, they are automatically marked as placeholder tags.

Remote tag references are not affected, and are not marked as placeholder tags.

You must convert the placeholder tags to existing local tags, define them in the new application’s Tagname Dictionary, or make them remote tag references.


Notice the placeholders ?d:, ?i:, ?m: and ?r: preceding the tags. They indicate the type that the tag was originally defined as:

Placeholder Symbol          Tagname Type

d                                         Discrete

i                                           Integer

m                                        Message

r                                          Real

Note Remote tag references are not shown as placeholders but as remote tag references such as: PLC2:Temperature.

You can use several methods in the Substitute Tagnames dialog box to convert placeholder tags to local tags.

Tip If you manually convert tagnames and you no longer need the original tag defined in the original Tagname Dictionary, you can update the tagname use counts and then delete the unused tag.

By importing a window or QuickScript from another application, and converting all of the tagnames associated with the animation links or QuickScript(s) to remote tagname references, you can create an application that instantly receives data from hundreds of remote tagnames without defining a single tag in your local Tagname Dictionary.

Useful Links:-

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