DBDump and DBLoad Utilities Wonderware Intouch :-https://youtu.be/loXvcgTZGdI
Explain the use of the DBDump and DBLoad Wonderware InTouch
This section will explain the use of the DBDump and DBLoad Utilities.
There are two Tagname Dictionary utility programs: DBDump and DBLoad.
DBDump: Exports an InTouch application Tagname Dictionary as a text file that can be viewed or edited in another program (such as Microsoft Excel).
DBLoad: Imports a properly formatted Tagname Dictionary file (created in another program such as Excel or a DBDump file from another InTouch application) into an existing InTouch application.
These two utilities allow the Tagname Dictionary to be copied, modified or developed in separate portions and then merged into one application.
The DBLoad utility can also be used as an alternative to the InTouch TemplateMaker to create SuperTag instances.
Note: Both the DBDump and DBLoad utilities are launched from the InTouch Application Manager (INTOUCH.EXE). Also you must convert an application created in an earlier version of InTouch before its Tagname Dictionary can be extracted.
DBDump Utility
The following steps show how to extract an existing InTouch application’s tagname dictionary.
Close WindowMaker and WindowViewer if they are running.
Start the InTouch Application Manager.

Click the DBDump toolbar icon .
The CSV File to Dump To: dialog box appears:

Name of CSV Dump file: Enter a name for the file that ends with the .CSV (Comma Separated Variable) extension. If the name already exists, a message box will open.
Group output by types: Group the extracted tagnames by tag-type instead of alphabetically by tagname (default).
The database information from the selected application directory will be downloaded to the specified filename.
When the .CSV file is opened in Microsoft Excel, it sees the comma as a delimiter and automatically separates the data records into columns.

When the .CSV file is opened in Notepad, each data record is separated by a comma.
Using DBLoad, it is possible to:
Change logging properties.
Make mass changes to the Tagname dictionary.
Modify existing tag properties.
If the tag is renamed, DBLoad will create a new tag rather than delete the original tag instance.
It is not possible to delete a tag using DBLoad; however, new tags can be created.
Database Input File Format
The first line of a database input file should specify the operating :mode for the file when it is loaded/merged into an application via DBLoad.
All data records must begin with the valid keyword for the tagname’s :type, followed by the valid keyword for each datarecord (separated by commas):
:mode=test :IOMsg,Group,Comment,Logged,EventLogged,Event Logging Priority, . . . There is a valid keyword for each tagname type and data record.
Database Input File Operating Modes
The following lists the valid operating mode keywords and the actions which occur in each mode when a duplicate tagname is encountered during the load.
:MODE=ASK –Change the tagname of the input or the existing entry to your specified tagname and then insert the new definition into the Tagname Dictionary.
:MODE=REPLACE – Delete the existing entry and replace it with the new entry.
:MODE=UPDATE –Overwrite the existing definition with only the fields that are explicitly defined in the input file; i.e., include DELTA changes only.
:MODE=TEST – In this mode, DBLoad will act as if it were in the replace mode, but will not modify the database. Test mode scans the file before loading it, then reports errors and gives the location/line number.
It is recommended to use this mode to locate possible Tagname Dictionary format errors. After the errors are resolved, change the mode to Update or Replace and load the DB.
Note: For more information on operating modes, refer to the InTouch User Guide.
DBLoad Utility
Using DBLoad, you can import tags from other applications, then import other windows. File size can become large when loading large numbers of tags, but not excessively.
Note: Use the exported file as a backup and perform a DBLoad in case of system failure. The following steps show how to load/merge a database input file into an existing InTouch application’s database.
Close WindowMaker and WindowViewer if they are running.
Start InTouch Application Manager.
Click the DBLoad toolbar icon.
A message box appears asking if you have backed up your application.
Click Yes.
The CSV File to Load From dialog box appears:

Name of CSV Load file:
Enter the path to the .CSV file to load or locate the file using the Directories and Drive list boxes. Once the file is properly selected its name will appear in the field.
Click OK. The database information contained in the selected file will begin uploading to the selected application’s Tagname Dictionary.
Creating a Database Input File
The DBDump and DBLoad database utilities are the tools used to perform batch type operations on a Tagname Dictionary. Database input files can be created in any program that supports the comma separated variable file format (.CSV).
The database input file must be saved as a .CSV format. Once an input file is created, the DBLoad program is used to load/merge the data contained in the file into an existing InTouch application’s database.
You can create a database input file template by creating a new InTouch application and then running the DBDump program to dump its database to create a correctly formatted .CSV file. This makes entering your modifications easier than creating the input file from scratch.
Creating SuperTag Instances
In addition to the TemplateMaker, animation links, InTouch QuickScripts and the Tagname Dictionary, InTouch also supports the creation of SuperTags using the DBLoad Utility.
Note: When DBLoad is used to create SuperTag instances, these instances are not reflected in the SuperTag template definition in the TemplateMaker.
When you create a SuperTag with DBLoad, you must use the valid SuperTag format and the SuperTag instance data records must begin with the valid keyword for the tagname’s :type.
For example:

When a .CSV file containing SuperTag instances is uploaded, they are automatically added to the Tagname Dictionary and are immediately available for use in animation links and InTouch QuickScripts.
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