Alarms and Events Window Popup Wonderware Intouch :-

Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time Wonderware intouch
You can use alarm dotfields to dynamically manage alarm conditions. Many of these dotfields are accessible using I/O, expressions, and scripts. Through I/O access, you can monitor and control a specific tag’s alarm information using other Windows applications, such as Excel, or WindowViewer running on a remote node.
To access dotfields associated with a tag, use this syntax:
For example, if you want to allow run-time changes to the HiHi alarm limit on a tag named Analog_tag, you can create an Analog – User Input touch link to a button and enter Analog_tag.HiHiLimit as the expression in the link’s dialog box. During run time, the operator simply clicks the button and types in a new value for the HiHi alarm limit assigned to the Analog_tag.
The following table briefly describes each alarm dotfield.
Dotfield | Description |
.Ack | Monitors/controls the alarm acknowledgment status of tags and alarm groups. .Ack has an inverse tag dotfield called .UnAck. When an unacknowledged alarm occurs, .UnAck is set to 1. The .UnAck dotfield can be used in animation links or condition scripts to trigger annunciators for any unacknowledged alarms. |
.AckDev | Monitors/controls the alarm acknowledgment status of deviation type alarms active on an analog tag or alarm group. |
.AckDsc | Monitors/controls the current acknowledgement status of a discrete tag. |
.AckROC | Monitors/controls the alarm acknowledgment status of rate-of-change type alarms active on the tag. |
.AckValue | Monitors the alarm acknowledgment status of value type alarms active on the tag. |
.Alarm | Signals that an alarm condition exists. |
.AlarmAckModel | Monitors the acknowledgement model associated with the tag as follows: 0=condition (default) 1=event 2=expanded Applies to discrete or analog tags with alarms. Read only, but can be configured in WindowMaker. |
.AlarmDev | Signals that a deviation alarm exists. |
.AlarmDevCount | Tracks the total number of active deviation alarms for a given tag or alarm group. |
.AlarmDevDeadband | Monitors/controls the deviation percentage deadband for both minor and major deviation alarms. |
.AlarmDevUnAckCount | Tracks the number of unacknowledged deviation alarms active on a given tag or alarm group. |
.AlarmDisabled | Disables/enables events and alarms. Applies to discrete and analog tags with alarms, or to alarm groups. |
.AlarmDsc | Indicates that a discrete alarm condition is currently active. |
.AlarmDscCount | Tracks the total number of discrete alarms active on a given tag or alarm group. |
.AlarmDscDisabled | Indicates whether or not the tag can generate discrete alarms. Note This dotfield is the same as .AlarmDisabled dotfield for a discrete tag. |
.AlarmDscEnabled | Indicates whether or not the tag can generate discrete alarms. Note This dotfield is the same as .AlarmEnabled dotfield for a discrete tag. |
.AlarmDscInhibitor | Returns the name of the inhibitor tag assigned to the discrete alarm (if any) for this tag. |
.AlarmDscUnAckCount | Tracks the total number of unacknowledged discrete alarms active for a given tag or alarm group. |
.AlarmEnabled | Disables/enables events and alarms. |
.AlarmHiDisabled | Disables/enables the High limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmHiEnabled | Disables/enables the High limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmHiHiDisabled | Disables/enables the HiHi limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmHiHiEnabled | Disables/enables the HiHi limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmHiHiInhibitor | Returns the inhibitor tag reference for the HiHi limit. Applies to analog tags with alarms. Read only but can be configured in WindowMaker. |
.AlarmHiInhibitor | Returns the inhibitor tag reference for the High limit. Applies to analog tags with alarms. Read only but can be configured in WindowMaker. |
.AlarmLoDisabled | Disables/enables the Low limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmLoEnabled | Disables/enables the Low limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmLoInhibitor | Returns the inhibitor tag reference for the Low limit. Applies to analog tags with alarms. Read only but can be configured in WindowMaker. |
.AlarmLoLoDisabled | Disables/enables the LoLo limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmLoLoEnabled | Disables/enables the LoLo limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmLoLoInhibitor | Returns the inhibitor tag reference for the LoLo limit. Applies to analog tags with alarms. Read only but can be configured in WindowMaker. |
.AlarmMajDevDisabled | Disables/enables the Major Deviation limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmMajDevEnabled | Disables/enables the Major Deviation limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmMajDevInhibitor | Returns the inhibitor tag reference for the Major Deviation limit. Applies to analog tags with alarms. Read only but can be configured in WindowMaker. |
.AlarmMinDevDisabled | Disables/enables the Minor Deviation limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmMinDevEnabled | Disables/enables the Minor Deviation limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmMinDevInhibitor | Returns the inhibitor tag reference for the Minor Deviation limit. Applies to analog tags with alarms. Read only but can be configured in WindowMaker. |
.AlarmROC | Signals that a rate-of-change type alarm exists. |
.AlarmROCCount | Tracks the total number of rate of change alarms active on a given tag or alarm group. |
.AlarmROCDisabled | Disables/enables the rate of change limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmROCEnabled | Disables/enables the rate of change limit for analog tags with alarms. |
.AlarmROCInhibitor | Returns the inhibitor tag reference for the rate of change limit. Applies to analog tags with alarms. Read only but can be configured in WindowMaker. |
.AlarmROCUnAckCount | Tracks the total number of unacknowledged rate of change alarms on a given tag or alarm group. |
.AlarmTotalCount | Tracks the total number of alarms active for a given tag or alarm group. |
.AlarmUnAckCount | Tracks the total number of unacknowledged alarms active for a tag or alarm group. |
.AlarmUserDefNum1 | Read/write real (floating point), default 0 and value not set. Applies to discrete tags with alarms, to analog tags with alarms, or to alarm groups. Note The value of this dotfield is attached to the alarm, but ONLY if a value has been set, for example, by a script or a POKE. |
.AlarmUserDefNum1Set | Read/write discrete. TRUE if a script has defined the .AlarmUserDefNum1 for the corresponding tag. To disassociate the value of .AlarmUserDefNum1 for the tag, set this dotfield to FALSE. The default is FALSE. |
.AlarmUserDefNum2 | Read/write real (floating point), default 0 and value not set. Applies to discrete tags with alarms, to analog tags with alarms, or to alarm groups. Note The value of this dotfield is attached to the alarm, but ONLY if a value has been set, for example, by a script or a POKE. |
.AlarmUserDefNum2Set | Read/write discrete. TRUE if a script has defined the .AlarmUserDefNum2 for the corresponding tag. To disassociate the value of .AlarmUserDefNum2 for the tag, set this dotfield to FALSE. The default is FALSE. |
.AlarmUserDefStr | Read/write text string, default “” and value not set. Applies to discrete tags with alarms, to analog tags with alarms, or to alarm groups. Note The value of this dotfield is attached to the alarm, but ONLY if a value has been set, for example, by a script or a POKE. |
.AlarmUserDefStrSet | Read/write discrete. TRUE if a script has defined the .AlarmUserDefStr for the corresponding tag. To disassociate the value of .AlarmUserDefStr for the tag, set this dotfield to FALSE. The default is FALSE. |
.AlarmValDeadband | Monitors/controls the value of an alarm’s value deadband. |
.AlarmValueCount | Tracks the total number of value alarms active on a given tagname or alarm group. |
.AlarmValueUnAckCount | Tracks the total number of unacknowledged value alarms active on a given tagname or alarm group. |
.DevTarget | Monitors/controls the target for minor and major deviation alarms. |
.HiLimit, .HiHiLimit, .LoLimit, .LoLoLimit | Read/write analog tagname dotfields that monitors /controls the limits for value alarm checks. These dotfields are only valid for integer and real tags. |
.HiStatus, .HiHiStatus, .LoStatus, .LoLoStatus | Read only discrete dotfields that determines whether an alarm of a specified type exists. These fields are only valid for integer and real tags. |
.MajorDevPct | Read/write integer dotfield that monitors or controls the major percentage of deviation for alarm checking. |
.MajorDevStatus | Read-only discrete dotfield that determines whether a major deviation alarm exists for the specified tagname. |
.MinorDevPct | Read/write integer dotfield monitors and/or controls the minor percentage of deviation for alarm checking. |
.MinorDevStatus | Read only discrete dotfield used to determine whether a minor deviation alarm exists for the specified tagname. |
.Name | Read/write message dotfield used to display the actual name of the tagname. For example, it can be used to determine the name of an Alarm Group that a Group Variable is pointing to, or the name of a TagID tags. It can also be written to change the Alarm Group that a Group Variable is pointing to. |
.Normal | Read only discrete dotfield that is equal to 1 when there are no alarms for the specified tagname. This dotfield is valid for Alarm Groups and Group Variables as well as ordinary tags. |
.ROCPct | Read/write dotfield used to monitor and/or control the rate of change for alarm checking. |
.ROCStatus | Read only discrete dotfield used to determine whether a rate-of-change alarm exists for the specified tag. |
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