HomeAwzTechControl Block and Status Block DOPSOFT HMI

Control Block and Status Block DOPSOFT HMI

Control Block and Status Block

For two-way communication between Delta DOP series HMI and all other brands of PLCs, the address of the control block and status block must be defined. These settings are located in the Configuration dialog box by clicking Options > Configuration. For more details on settings, please refer to the following descriptions.

control Block and Status Block
Control Block and Status Block

NB Designer OMRON HMI Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/2TNm4hr

DOPSOFT DELTA HMI Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/2FMEKKj

Wonderware Intouch Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/2uzKFMi

GT Designer MITSUBISHI HMI Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/2I4KuR5

WinCC Siemens HMI Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/36c73iZ

FACTORY TALK VIEW Tutorial:-https://bit.ly/3IoDT0s

Control Block
control Block and Status Block

Note: Checking of Auto reset flags will reset the control block flags (Bits) automatically after the desired procedure has been executed. If this box is not checked, the system will ask the user to reset the flags.




Delta OPC V1.00

How to unlock Delta PLC

Control Block

The control block is the way a PLC is used to control the HMI. Through the settings set in the registers, the controller which is connected to HMI can know HMI internal operation, i.e. screen switch, backlight on and off, current priority, curve sampling data, and clear flag, etc. information, and the user can also get the current system status of HMI. The register is a continuous data block and its length is from 0 to 8 words. When using control block features, the actual length of the control block is determined by the used control block features.

For example, when the Screen Switch feature (Screen Number Designation Register) is used, the control block must be set to a length of 1 or more. At this time, only the Screen Number Designation Register can be used. One more example, when using History Buffer features (Sampling History Buffer Register), the control block must be set to a length of 4 or more. At this time, only Sampling History Buffer Register can be used. In addition, when using the function of Multi-language Setting Value Bit (System Control Flag Register), it is best that the length of the control block is set to 8 words. At this time, all the registers in the control block can be used. When the control block is set to a length of zero, the control block is disabled.

The function and explanation of each WORD are listed below. In the following table, in the following example 1 we assume that the user uses a Delta PLC, so the available starting addresses in the control block are Dn ~ Dn+7 (D0 ~ D7). In the following example 2, we assume that the user uses HMI internal register $, so the available starting address in the control block is$n ~ $n+7 ($15 ~ $22). The user can choose if the control block designations are stored in PLC or HMI.

Control Block and Status Block

Screen Number Designation Register (SNIR)

To use this register, write a value of the screen number that the user desires to have displayed into this register; then HMI will change to that screen. For example, if set D0 or $15.0 to 1, HMI will change to the 1st screen. If set D0 or $15.0 to 7, HMI will change to the 7th screen.

Control Flag Register (CFR)

ontrol Flag Register (CFR)

Enable / Disable Communication

Bit 0 controls the HMI communication. When bit 0 is turned ON, HMI communication is disabled. When bit 0 is turned OFF, HMI communication is enabled. By checking the Communication Interrupt check box under the Communication tab of the Configuration dialog box when communication between one certain PLC is lost this bit will be turned ON and disable the communication automatically and the communication fault message will not display (this will not affect the communications between other PLCs). Then, the user can clear it to enable the communication again. If this check box is not checked, this flag is disabled (To disable and enable the communication manually, the user can use OPEN COM/CLOSECOM macro commands. For more details on macro commands.

For example, if the PLC which is connected via COM2 port has a communication error and communication retry time has reached three times, HMI will disable the communication between that PCL automatically (but will not disable the communication between other PLCs) and will not show communication errors. At this time, if D1 or $16.0 is set to 0, i.e. the communication flag is turned OFF, the communication will be enabled again and HMI will communicate with that PLC again. If the communication is lost three times, this flag will be ON again. When D1=0, it indicates that Bit 0 of D1 is 0 (0000 0000 0000 0000).

Control Block2
control Block and Status Block

Enable / Disable Backlight

Bit 1 controls the backlight of HMI. When bit 1 is turned ON, the HMI backlight turns OFF. When bit 1 is turned OFF, the HMI backlight turns ON. For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if D1 is set to 2 or $16.1 is set to 1, this flag is enabled and the HMI backlight turns OFF. When D1 = 2, it indicates that Bit 1 of D1 is 1(0000 0000 0000 0010).

Enable / Disable Buzzer

Bit 2 controls the buzzer of HMI. When bit 2 is turned ON, the HMI buzzer turns OFF. When bit 2 is turned OFF, the HMI buzzer turns ON. For example, if D1 is set to 4 or $16.2 is set to 1, the HMI buzzer turns ON. At this time, if an alarm occurs, it will sound. When D1 = 4, it indicates that Bit 2 of D1 is 1 (0000 0000 0000 0100).

Clear alarm history or Alarm Buffer in Delta HMI

Bit 3 clears the alarm buffer. When an alarm history table is used, setting this bit is able to clear all data inside of that table. When bit 3 is turned ON, the alarm buffer is cleared. To clear the alarm buffer again, this flag must be turned OFF and then ON again. For example, if D1 is set to 8 or $16.3 is set to 1, this flag is turned ON and the alarm buffer will be cleared. When D1 = 8, it indicates that Bit 3 of D1 is 1 (0000 0000 0000 1000).

Clear Alarm Counter

Bit 4 clears the alarm counter. When an alarm frequency table is used, setting this bit is able to clear the values for the alarms. When bit 4 is turned ON, the alarm counter is cleared. To clear the alarm counter again, this flag must be turned OFF and then ON again. For example, if D1 is set to 16 or $16.4 is set to 1, this flag is turned ON and the alarm counter will be cleared. When D1 = 16, it indicates that Bit 4 of D1 is 1 (0000 0000 0001 0000).

Update USB Data

Bit 5 updates the USB data. When this flag is used, the user can update the stored data in the alarm buffer area into the USB disk. If one of the alarm buffer, history buffer, or recipe functions is activated and the non-volatile memory area is set to USB disk, when this flag is enabled, HMI will backup and update the data that is stored in the buffer area into USB disk in real-time.

Please note that all the data will be stored in the buffer area first. Before reaching the limit of the buffer memory (the memory capacity of buffer area is 64KB and it can be user-defined as well in the Configuration dialog box), the system will not back up and update the data into USB disk. The purpose is not to frequently overwrite the USB disk and avoid the damage to a USB disk. Therefore, if the amount of data is less than the memory capacity, to avoid the data may be lost, the user can enable this flag and update the data into a USB disk.

For example, if D1 is set to 32 or $16.5 is set to 1, this flag is turned ON and the function of update USB data will be enabled. When D1 = 32, it indicates that Bit 5 of D1 is 1 (0000 0000 0010 0000).

Set User Security Level

Bits 8 to 10 set the user security level. The HMI security level settings are divided into two parts: one is level 0 (lowest) to level 7 and the other is the highest level. Bits 8 to 10 controls the level 0 (lowest) to level 7 but cannot control the highest level. When Bit 8 is turned ON, the user security level is 1. When Bit 9 is turned ON, the user security level is 2. When Bit 10 is turned ON, the user security level is 4. For more details on settings, please refer to the following descriptions.

Set User Security Level

For example, if D1 is set to 1280 or $16.8 and $16.10 is set to 1, this flag is enabled and the user security level is 5. When D1 = 1280, it indicates that Bit 8 and Bit 10 of D1 are both 11(0000 0101 0000 0000).

Control Block and Status Block 1

Curve Sampling Flag

Bits 0 to 3 (flags 1 to 4) control the curve (Trend Graph, X-Y Chart, X-Y distribution, or Curve Input) sampling. When this flag is turned ON, HMI will read continuous data from the set PLC address to sample once, changes the data to the graph, and shows it on the HMI screen (For more details on the settings of the curve element, please refer to section 3.8.10). To control the curve sampling flag again, this flag must be turned OFF and then ON again.

Each curve element has to be assigned to a sampling flag where the sample flag is set up in the detailed property of the element. To enable the curve element, set the corresponding bit in this register. For example (refer to Table 3-4-1 and Fig. 3-4-5), if D2 or $17.0 is set to 1, the curves of Figures 1 and 2 will be activated and shown on the screen and the curves of figure 3 and 4 will not. When D2=1, it indicates that Bit 0 of D2 is 0 (0000 0000 0000 0001).

Control Block 3
control Block and Status Block

Curve Clear Flag

Bits 8 to 11 (flags 1 to 4) clear the curve (Trend Graph, X-Y Chart, X-Y distribution, or Curve Input) when this flag is turned ON (For more details on the settings of curve element, please refer to section 3.8.10). To control the curve clear flag again, this flag must be turned OFF and then ON again.

For example, if D2 is set to 512 or $17.9 is set to 1, the curves of figure 3 will be cleared and the curves of figures 1, 2, and 4 will not. When D2=512, it indicates that Bit 9 of D2 is 1(0000 0010 0000 0000).

Sampling History Buffer Register (HBSR)

Delta DOP-B series has 12 Bits that control the sampling address of history buffer and the following table). Not only Timer but the history buffer can also be controlled by a PLC if the Trigger Source in the History Buffer setup is set to a PLC from Timer. For more details on History Buffer setup.

Sampling History Buffer Register
Control Block and Status Block 3

Sampling History Buffer Flag

Bits 0 to 11 control the sampling history buffer operation of HMI by the PLC. When this flag is turned ON, HMI performs sampling one time. To control the sampling history buffer flag again, this flag must be turned OFF and then ON again.

Sampling History Buffer Flag

Clearing History Buffer Register (HBCR)

The history buffer when controlled by a PLC can also be cleared by the PLC.

Clearing History Buffer Register (HBCR)

Clearing History Buffer Flag

Bits 0 to 11 clear the history buffer. When this flag is turned ON, HMI clears the history buffer one time. To control the clearing history buffer flag again, this flag must be turned OFF and then ON again.

Recipe Control Register (RECR)

Recipe Control Register (RECR)

Change Recipe Number Flag

To change the recipe number, the user can use Recipe Number Register RCPNO directly or use this flag. To specify the recipe number, write the recipe number into the Recipe Number Designation Register (RBIR) and then turn ON this flag (Bit 0). After the above

settings, the RCPNP can change to the designated recipe number automatically. To control the change recipe number flag again, this flag must be turned OFF and then ON again.

For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if set D6 to 3 and set D5 or $20.0 to 1 simultaneously, the recipe number will become 3 (RCPNO=3). When D6 = 3, it indicates that the designated recipe number is 3. When D5 = 1, it indicates that Bit 0 of D5 is 1(0000 0000 0000 0001).

n Read Recipe Flag

Bit 1 reads the recipe data from PLC and stores the recipe data in the specified area of HMI. To read and store the recipe data, specify the recipe number and turn this flag to be ON. To control the read recipe flag again, this flag must be turned OFF and then ON again.

For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if the designated recipe number is 4 (RCPNO=4), set D5 to 2 or $20.1 to 1 and the recipe data saved in PLC will be read and stored in the 4th recipe register. The original data saved in the 4th recipe register will be updated as well. When D5 = 2, it indicates that Bit 1 of D5 is 1(0000 0000 0000 0010).

Write Recipe Flag

Bit 2 writes the recipe data from HMI into PLC. To write the recipe data, specify the recipe number and turn this flag to be ON. To control the write recipe flag again, this flag must be turned OFF and then ON again.

For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if the designated recipe number is 2 (RCPNO=2), set D5 to 4 or $20.2 to 1 and the recipe data saved in HMI will be written into the PLC register immediately. The original data saved in the PLC register will be updated as well. When D5 = 4, Bit 2 of D5 is 1(0000 0000 0000 0100).

Change Recipe Group Number

To change the recipe group number, the user can use Recipe Group Register RCPG directly or use this flag. To specify the recipe group number, write the recipe group number into the Designate Recipe Group Number Register (Bits 8 to 15) and then turn ON this flag. After the above settings, when HMI detects the change recipe group number flag, it will change the value of RCPG and change the recipe group number automatically. To control the change recipe group number flag again, this flag must be turned OFF and then ON again.

For example, if set D5 to 520 or set$20.3 and $20.9 to 1 simultaneously, the recipe group number will become 2 (RCPG=2). When D5 = 520, it indicates that Bit 3 and Bit 9 of D5 are both 1(0000 0010 0000 1000).

Designate Recipe Group Number

Bits 8 to Bit 15 designate the recipe group number. When the recipe group number is designated and turned ON this control flag, HMI will change the value of RCPG and change the recipe group number automatically.

For example, if set D5 to 520 or set$20.3 and $20.9 to 1 simultaneously, the recipe group number will become 2 (RCPG=2). When D5 = 520, it indicates that Bit 3 and Bit 9 of D5 are both 1(0000 0010 0000 1000).

For more detailed settings, please refer to the following descriptions. How to designate recipe group numbers:

D5 = 520(0000 0010 0000 1000)

High ByteLow Byte
(Recipe Group Designation Register)(Other control flags relevant to Recipe)
0000 00100000 1000

If dividing D5 into high byte and low byte, it is easy to see that high byte determines the recipe group number (regardless of low byte). When the high byte setting is set to 0000 0010, it indicates that the designated group number is the 2nd group. If the high byte setting is changed to 0000 0011, it indicates that the designated group number is changed to 3rd group and vice versa.

Recipe Number Designation Register (RBIR)

This register is used to specify the recipe. When this flag is turned ON, the system will write the designated recipe group number into Recipe Number Designation Register (RBIR). After Change Recipe Number Flag is turned ON, HMI will change the value of RCPNO and change the recipe number as well.

For example, if set D6 to 3 and set D5 or $20.0 to 1 at the same time, the recipe number will become 3 (RCPNO=3) When D6 is set to 3, it indicates that the designated recipe number is 3. When D5 = 1, it indicates that Bit 0 of D5 is 1(0000 0000 0000 0001).

System Control Flag Register

System Control Flag Register

Multi-language Setting Value

Bits 0 to 7 save the designated multi-language setting values (Fig. 3-4-7). These setting values control HMI to switch to the specified language (For more details on multi-language settings, please refer to section 3.10).

For example (refer to Table 3-4-1 and Fig. 3-4-7), if language setting value 1 is Chinese, and D7 or $22.0 is set to 1, all the text in HMI will change to the text in Chinese. When D7 =1, it indicates that Bit 0 of D7 is 1(0000 0000 0000 0001).

For more detailed settings, please refer to the following descriptions. How to designate the multi-language:

D7 = 1(0000 0000 0000 0001)

High ByteLow Byte
(Other control flags relevant to System(Multi-language Setting Value Register)
Control)0000 0001
0000 0000 

If dividing D7 into high byte and low byte, it is easy to see that low byte determines the multi-language setting value (regardless of high byte). When the low byte setting is set to 0000 0001, it indicates that the multi-language setting value is 1, i.e. the language setting is Chinese. If the low byte setting is changed to 0000 0011, it indicates that the multi-language setting value is 2, i.e. the language setting is Japanese. Please note that the range of multi-language setting values is from 0 to 255.

Control Block 4

Printer Flag

When this flag is turned ON, the current display (Hard Copy) or the editing screen can be printed out. When this flag is turned OFF, the printer function is disabled.

For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if D7 is set to 256 or set $22.8 to 1, HMI will perform a printing function. When D7 = 256, it indicates that Bit 8 of D7 is 1(0000 0001 0000 0000).

Printer Form Feed Flag

When this flag is turned ON, the printer will retract the paper and align the paper for the next run automatically. When this flag is set to OFF, the printer form feed function is disabled.

For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if D7 is set to 512 or set $22.9 to 1, HMI will retract the paper and align the paper for the next run automatically. When D7 = 512, it indicates that Bit 9 of D7 is 1(0000 0010 0000 0000).

Status Block

The status block is the way a PLC is used to get feedback from the HMI. Through the settings set in the registers, the controller which is connected to HMI can know HMI internal operation, i.e. screen switch, backlight on and off, current priority, curve sampling data, clear flag, etc. information. The status block consists of 8 continuous words and this cannot be changed  When the user sets the address in Status Block, PLC can read the status of the DOP-B series HMI. Please note that when the function Control Block is disabled, the function of Status Block is disabled as well. In addition, ensure that the addresses of Control Block and Start Block must be different.

The function and explanation of each WORD are listed in Table 3-4-2 below. In the following table, in the following example 1 we assume that the user uses a Delta PLC, so the available starting addresses in the status block are Dm ~ Dm+7 (D10 ~ D17). In the following example 2, we assume that the user uses HMI internal register $, so the available starting address in the control block is$m ~ $m+7 ($25 ~ $32). The user can choose if the status block designations are stored in PLC or HMI.

control register dopsoft
Control Block and Status Block 4

General Control Status Register (GCSR)

General Control Status Register (GCSR)

Screen Switch Status Flag

When HMI switches the screen, this flag is turned ON. After the screen switch is completed, this flag is turned OFF.

Clear Status of Alarm Buffer

When HMI clears the alarm buffer, this flag is turned ON. After this function is completed, this flag is turned OFF.

Clear Status of Alarm Counter

When HMI clears the alarm counter, this flag is turned ON. After this function is completed, this flag is turned OFF.

User Security Level Flag

Bits 8 to 10 hold the current user security level.

User Security Level Flag
Control Block and Status Block 5

Screen Number Status Register (SNSR)

This register stores the last screen number (includes sub screen) that the user opened

Curve Control Status Register (CCSR)

Screen Number Status Register (SNSR)

Curve Sampling Status Flag

When the HMI samples a trend graph or X-Y chart, the curve sampling status flag (bits 0 to 3) is turned ON. After the sampling operation is completed, the curve sampling status flag is turned OFF. Curve Sampling Flag 1 of control block corresponds to Curve Sampling Status Flag 1 of the status block, Curve Sampling Flag 2 of control block corresponds to Curve Sampling Status Flag 2 of status block and vice versa.

Curve Clear Status Flag

When the HMI clears the trend graph or X-Y chart, the curve clear status flag (bits 8 to 11) is turned ON. After the clear operation is completed, the curve clear status flag is turned OFF. Curve Clear Flag 1 of control block corresponds to Curve Clear Status Flag 1 of the status block, Curve Clear Flag 2 of control block corresponds to Curve Clear Status Flag 2 of status block and vice versa.

Curve Clear Status Flag

n Sampling History Buffer Status Flag

When sampling the history buffer, the sampling history buffer status flag will be set to be ON (Bits 0 to 11 is set to ON). After the sampling operation is completed, the sampling history buffer status flag will be OFF.

Clearing History Buffer Status Register (HCSR)

Clearing History Buffer Status Register (HCSR)

Clearing History Buffer Status Flag

When clearing the history buffer, the clearing history buffer status flag will be set to be ON (Bits 0 to 11 is set to ON). After the clearing operation is completed, the clearing history buffer status flag will be OFF.

Recipe Status Register (RESR)

Clearing History Buffer Status Flag

Change Status of Recipe Number

When the recipe number is changed, this flag is turned ON. After the recipe number is changed and the value of RCPNO is updated, this flag is turned OFF.

n Recipe Read Status

When HMI reads one number of recipe data from PLC, this flag is turned ON. After the read operation is completed and the recipe data is stored in HMI, this flag is turned OFF.

Recipe Write Status

When HMI sends one number of recipe data to PLC, this flag is turned ON. After the write operation is completed and the recipe data is written into PLC, this flag is turned OFF.

n Change Status of Recipe Group Number

When the recipe group number is changed, this flag is turned ON. After the recipe group number is changed and the value of RCPG is updated, this flag is turned OFF.

Designate Status of Recipe Group Number

No matter the value of RCPG is designated by PLC or HMI when the designated recipe group number is changed, this flag is turned ON so that the system can echo back the updated recipe group number to the Designate Recipe Group Number Register.

Recipe Number Status Register (RBSR)

No matter the value of RCPNO is designated by PLC or HMI when the designated recipe number is changed, this flag is turned ON so that the system can feedback the updated recipe group number to the Designate Recipe Number Register.

Control Block and Status Block 6

Multi-language Status Value

Bits 0 to 7 read the current language that HMI shows from the multi-language status value.

Printer Status Flag

When this flag is turned ON, it indicates that the printer is printing the current display or editing screen. When this flag is turned OFF, the printer function is disabled.

n Printer Form Feed Status Flag

When this flag is turned ON, it indicates that the printer is retracting the paper and aligning the paper for the next run automatically. When this flag is turned OFF, the printer form feed function is disabled.

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