NB Designer OMRON HMI Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/2TNm4hr
DOPSOFT DELTA HMI Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/2FMEKKj
Wonderware Intouch Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/2uzKFMi
GT Designer MITSUBISHI HMI Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/2I4KuR5
WinCC Siemens HMI Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/36c73iZ
FACTORY TALK VIEW Tutorial :-https://bit.ly/3IoDT0s
BulletProofing the Application wonderware Intouch
Explain applying customized security options an application
This post covers customization of the Runtime and development environments to bulletproof the application. It also explains how to automatically start an application.
Customizing the Runtime Environment
Like WindowMaker, WindowViewer includes many options to customize your Runtime environment. For example, you can set the blinking speed for blinking objects, the system inactivity timeout and warning values, and the windows that are automatically opened when WindowViewer is started from its icon or its menu command.
WindowViewer Properties – General
a. Click Special / Configure / WindowViewer.
WindowViewer Startup area
Start up as icon to start WindowViewer as an icon instead of a window.Select this option only when you are using WindowViewer to gather data for other I/O-interconnected applications.
Transfer to Window Maker area
Close WindowViewer: Automatically closes WindowViewer when WindowMaker is started.
If memory is not an issue, and you are using the fast switch to move between WindowViewer and WindowMaker, this option should not be selected.
The fast switch option is selected in the WindowMaker Properties – General dialog box.
When this option is selected, the Close on Transfer to WindowViewer option located on the WindowMaker Properties/General property sheet is automatically selected also.
Close all open windows: Automatically closes all open windows when transferring from WindowViewer to WindowMaker. Selecting this option will free up memory on your system.
WindowViewer Memory area
Always load windows from disk: If a low memory situation exists, this option causes your application windows to be loaded from disk and not saved in RAM memory when they are closed.
Minimum Memory to Keep Free: Enter the number of K bytes of memory to keep free for other Windows applications.
Optimize performance for memory: Significantly increase the drawing update speed. Significantly increases the update rate for text fields. If your system is low on memory do not enable this option.
Inactivity area
Warning: Enter the number of seconds that can elapse with no operator activity (mouse clicks or keystrokes) before the system discrete tag $InactivityWarning is set to 1 (True).
Timeout Enter the number of seconds that can elapse keystrokes, and so on) before the system discrete tag with no operator activity (mouse clicks, $InactivityTimeout is set to 1 (True).
Time/Timer Control area
Tick Interval: Enter the speed interval that InTouch will use to check its internal timers.
This setting controls how fast Application While Running, Window While Showing, Condition While On True/On False, Key and Touch Pushbutton Action While Down QuickScripts will be executed.
Scripts cannot execute faster than every 10 milliseconds on the Windows XP, Windows NT® or Windows 2000 operating systems.
Update Time for Time Variables: Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) WindowViewer will update the time-based system tagnames $Msec, $Second, $Minute, and so on.
It is recommended that you use the default setting of 1000 milliseconds. However, a 0 (zero) can be entered to prevent updating of all time variables.
Miscellaneous area
Beep when objects touched: For all touch-sensitive objects to beep when selected in WindowViewer.
Update all trends “fast” to update trend objects faster.
Select this option only when you are absolutely certain that no objects are overlapping your Runtime trend objects. Otherwise, the trend will not be drawn properly.
Debug Scripts: Writes a message to the Wonderware Logger program each time a QuickScript is executed.
If you select the Debug menu option in the WindowViewer Properties/Window Configuration property sheet, you will be able to turn this command on and off in Runtime from WindowViewer’s Special menu.
Use old SendKeys only if you are using an international application that was developed using InTouch Version 3.26 or earlier (This is a legacy option and is not used for FactorySuite).
Blink Frequency area: Slow, Medium, Fast: Enter the speeds (in milliseconds) to use for blink animation links.
I/O area
Retry Initiates: Enter the number of seconds to elapse before the InTouch retries connecting to an I/O server. This box has no effect when InTouch can successfully connect to the I/O Server the first time.
Start local servers: Display a dialog box when WindowViewer is started and the server you are trying to communicate with is not running.
Note: After you modify any of these parameters, WindowViewer must be restarted to apply your changes.
Hotlinks area
Show Halo around Hotlink: Displays a square halo in Runtime when you move the cursor over an object.
Halo follows object shape: Displays a halo around the edges of an object in Runtime when you move the cursor over an object.
Show halo around Active X control: Displays a square halo in Runtime when you move the cursor over an Active X control.
Keyboard area
InTouch Keyboard: Displays the InTouch standard on-screen alpha keyboard or numeric keypad when an animation link is set for Keypad = Yes.
Resizeable Keyboard: Displays a resizeable on-screen alpha keyboard or numeric keypad when an animation link is set for Keypad = Yes. Click Options to select font properties. Select X and Y Location, Width, and Height parameters for initial size and placement in Runtime. The keyboard or keypad is resizeable during Runtime.
Windows Keyboard: Displays the Windows international keyboard with numeric keypad when an animation link is set for Keypad = Yes.
WindowViewer Properties – Window Configuration
Bulletproofing refers to the ability to turn off undesired Menu Bar entries, certain keystrokes and other settings to insure that users do not change the application’s environment, close the application or escape from the application to other programs.
Enabling the desired options prevents users from performing potentially dangerous actions.
Click Special / Configure / WindowViewer.
Select the Window Configuration tab.
![BulletProofing 2](https://i0.wp.com/www.awztech.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Picture21.jpg?resize=501%2C640&ssl=1)
Menus area
Menu Bar: Prevents the menu bar from appearing.
WindowMaker: Prevents the operator from being able to switch to the WindowMaker program (Selecting this option does not affect the fast switch to WindowMaker).
Logic: Prevents the operator from starting and stopping all QuickScript execution during Runtime.
You can use the system tagname $LogicRunning to allow the operator to start and stop all QuickScripts.
Note: If the Allow CTRL- Break to stop scripts option is selected, the operator will be able to stop all QuickScripts from executing, regardless of whether or not the Logic menu is displayed.
Debug: Only to debug your application.
Window: controls to be available in Runtime.
Note: You must clear the Control Menu option (also called the System menu) in order to hide the close (X button) in the upper right hand corner of the application.
Title Bar Text: Enter the title to appear in your application’s title bar in Runtime. For example:
ABC Company, Paint APP1
Note: You cannot change the title bar if you are using a “Promotional License.”
Show Application Directory in Title Bar: Include the path to the application’s directory in the title
bar. For example: ABC Company, Paint APP1 – C:DEMOAPP1
Hide Title Bar: Hide the application’s title bar in Runtime.
Impossible to Close: Prevent the operator from closing WindowViewer.
Note: You must clear the Control Menu option (also called the System menu) in order to hide the close (X) box in the upper right hand corner of the application.)
Allow CTRL -Break to stop scripts: Allow the operator to press the CTRL + BREAK key sequence and stop the execution of all QuickScripts when necessary during Runtime.
Note: Asynchronous QuickFunctions that are currently executing cannot be stopped. However, new asynchronous QuickFunctions can be prevented from executing.
Disable ALT key to disable the ALT key and prevent the operator from executing menu commands by using the ALT + accelerator key. For example, ALT + FX to exit the application.
Note: Clear the Control Menu option (also called the System menu) to hide the close (X) box.
Hide Cursor to prevent the cursor from being displayed during Runtime (if a touch-screen will be used).
Disable CTRL-ESC key to prevent the operator from accessing the Windows Start menu to close and/or switch applications.
Disable WIN key to prevent the operator from accessing the Windows Start menu to close and/or switch applications.
Always Maximize to keep the WindowViewer program maximized at all times.
Selecting WindowViewer’s Home Windows
Home Windows are windows designated in your application to open when WindowViewer first starts.
Click Special / Configure / WindowViewer.
Select the Home Windows tab.
Select the window(s) to automatically open when WindowViewer is started.
Note: The home windows selections have no effect when you use the fast switch to start WindowViewer. Home windows are automatically opened when you start WindowViewer directly from either its icon or its menu command.
Click OK.
Customizing the Development Environment
WindowMaker includes many configuration options.
For example, you can customize your application’s title bar text to include the company name, set the pixel spacing for the grid, and so on.
Setting WindowMaker Properties
a. Click Special / Configure / WindowMaker.
Title Bar Text: Enter the title that you want to appear in your application’s title bar in Runtime.
Show Application Directory: Include the path to the application’s directory in the title bar.
Spacing: Enter the number of pixels that you want spaced between the snap to grid’s coordinates.
Show Grid: Display a grid in your windows when you turn on WindowMaker’s Snap to grid functionality.
Click the Snap to Grid tool on the View toolbar or click on the Arrange / Snap to Grid command to turn the snap to grid functionality on and off.
Close on Transfer to WindowViewer: Automatically close WindowMaker when WindowViewer starts.
If memory is not an issue and you are moving often between WindowViewer and WindowMaker, this option should not be selected.
Note: When you select this option, the Close WindowViewer option located on the WindowViewer Properties General Properties sheet is automatically selected too.
Pick Through Hollow Objects: Select objects that are behind hollow objects.
Enable Fast Switch: Display the fast switch (between WindowMaker and WindowViewer)
command in your menu bar for both programs.
If this option is selected in WindowMaker, the fast switch is the word Runtime displayed in the upper right hand of your screen. In WindowViewer, it is the word Development. To quickly switch between the two programs, click the fast switch.
Note: When you use the fast switch, WindowMaker automatically saves all changes made to all open windows before WindowViewer is started.
Line Selection Precision: Enter the number of pixels that your cursor can be away from a line and still be able to select it. In most cases, the default setting of 4 should be sufficient.
Levels of Undo: Enter the number of undo/redo levels to save (up to 25 levels). Enter zero (0) to turn the undo/redo functionality off.
One level represents one action. The undo and redo stacks are empty when a new window is created or an existing window is opened. Both stacks are emptied when the window is saved.
Note: After these settings are modified, WindowMaker must be restarted to apply changes.
Configure Fonts area:
Text: Select default font type and size for text objects.
Button: Select default font type and size for bottom objects.
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