HomeAVEVA InTouch HMIBasic syntax rules and Script Triggers Wonderware Intouch

Basic syntax rules and Script Triggers Wonderware Intouch

Basic syntax rules and script triggers are essential elements in programming and scripting languages.

Syntax rules refer to the structure and format of a language’s statements and commands. In programming, adhering to syntax rules is crucial because even a small error can cause the code to fail. Syntax rules dictate the correct usage of keywords, punctuation, and other elements necessary to construct a valid code statement.

Script triggers, on the other hand, are events that trigger the execution of a script or code. Script triggers can be based on various actions, such as when a user clicks a button or when data is added to a specific field. Script triggers allow developers to create dynamic and responsive applications that react to user actions and data changes in real-time.

Basic syntax rules Wonderware Intouch

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Basic syntax rules deal with these components of the InTouch HMI script language:

• Subroutines
• Statements
• Indentation
• Comments
• Tag references
• Literal data values
• Value expressions
• Syntax validation

There is absolutely no idea of individual subroutines inside the identical script, like “Sub” procedures in Visual Basic. To design a script into many subroutines, you’ve to create a custom
QuickFunction for every subroutine.
• a press release usually is a price assignment, a phone call, or perhaps a management structure.
• Each statement in an extreme script should conclude with a semicolon (;).
• you are going to have the capacity to have numerous statements inside a similar line, so very long as each statement finishes with a semicolon.
• you are going to have the capacity to distribute an announcement across a variety of collections by utilizing line breaks (pressing Enter).

Indentation You’re competent to indent your script code in any fashion. Indents do not have any practical relevance.
Comments To be able to mark text as a comment, enclose it in brackets. Comments are in a position to span several lines.

You are going to find a couple of ways to create tag references.
• In order to take a seat with a tag that is determined within the regional Tagname Dictionary, simply use the tagname.
• To watch a selected dot field, do the standard reference format (Tagname.Dotfield).
• To speak with a knowledge thing on another node, make use of a regular remote tag reference (AccessName: Item).
• you are going to have the capacity to in addition determine neighborhood variables whose scope is restricted to the current script.

• you are going to have the capacity to establish integer values in hexadecimal notation. or perhaps decimal for instance, 255 or perhaps 0xFF.
• you are going to have the capacity to establish floating point values in logical notation. or perhaps decimal as an example, 0.001 or perhaps 1E three.
• To be able to establish a Boolean value, do the numerical values zero for FALSE and one for TRUE.
• To be able to create a string value, enclose it in double quotation marks. For example: “This might be a string.”

Value expressions are in a position to consist of literal values, tag references as well as perform calls, all linked together by suitable operators.
Syntax Validation While you save a script, the Script Editor automatically checks it for right syntax. you’ll additionally launch the validation manually by clicking the Validate button. See Validating Calling Standard Functions Standard functions come predefined together with the InTouch HMI.

Script Triggers Wonderware InTouch

Every InTouch HMI script is actually carried out by software triggers. Every software style has 1 or maybe additional triggers to utilize it.
Within the Script Editor, you will choose what software trigger you wish to utilize to perform your script. you get a software trigger depending on when as well as how a program is actually performed. You are able to configure a variety of triggers supported pc user actions,
inner states, and also modifications of tagname values. Pc user steps include things like pressing keys as well as clicking on graphic components.
Inner condition triggers are able to have to start WindowViewer.

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Types of Script Triggers Wonderware Intouch

Script Triggers Wonderware InTouch

In the InTouch HMI, scripts are divided into seven types. Each sort of script has one or more triggers you’ll be able to select to launch a script.
• Three triggers in an application script on startup, on shutdown, and while running. Each trigger can execute a different script.
• Three triggers are in a window script: on show, on hide, and while showing. Each trigger can execute a distinct
• A key script has three triggers: on key up, on key down, or while down. Each trigger can execute a special script.
• Four triggers in a condition s: on true, while true, on false, and while false. Each trigger can execute a
different script.
• a knowledge change script executes when the worth of a certain tag or expression changes.
• An action script executes just one occasion or periodically when an operator clicks on an InTouch HMI graphic object.
• An ActiveX event script executes just once when a certain ActiveX event occurs, like a click on the
ActiveX control.

Using Multiple Triggers Wonderware Intouch

For many software variations, you will have the ability to make use of numerous triggers as well as connect various scripts with every trigger.
For instance, you will configure the software to perform a single program when WindowViewer is actually going, so a different program regularly while WindowViewer is actually working. Choose the trigger in the Condition Type checklist to read the current software for a trigger.

Script Functions wonderwaee intouch

This Appendix explains InTouch Script Functions, and is arranged to mirror the Function groupings found within InTouch.

  • String Functions  
  • Math Functions  
  • System Functions  
  • Add-ons  
  • Misc Functions

Script Functions wonderwaee intouch

String Functions 
String functions are used on string variables.
DTextChanges a message tagname based on the value of a discrete tagname.
StringASCIIReturns the ASCII value of the first character in a specified message tagname.
StringCharReturns the character corresponding to a specified ASCII code.
StringCompareCompares two text strings (case sensitive).
StringCompareNoCaseCompares two text strings (case insensitive)
StringFromIntgConverts an integer value into its string representation in another base.
StringFromRealConverts a real value into its string representation, either as a floating-point
 number or in exponential notation.
StringFromTimeConverts a time value (in seconds since Jan-01-1970) into a particular string
 representation. The time value should be UTC equivalent (number of seconds
 since Jan-01-1970 GMT). The value returned reflects the local time.
StringFromTimeLocalConverts a time value (in seconds since Jan-01-1970) into a particular string
 representation. The value returned reflects Localtime.
StringInStringReturns the position in Text where Search For first occurs.
StringLeftReturns the number of characters specified by Chars starting with the leftmost
 character of text.
StringLenReturns the length of text to integer result.
StringLowerConverts all the uppercase characters in text to lower case and places the
 resulting string in MessageResult.
StringMidExtracts from text the specific numbers of characters specified by Chars, starting
 at the position StartChar. This function is slightly different from its counterparts,
 StringLeft() function and StringRight() function, in that it allows the user to
 specify both the start and end of the string to be extracted from the message tag.
StringReplaceReplaces or changes specific parts of a provided string. Using this function can
 take a string tagname and replace characters, words or phrases.
StringRightReturns the number of character specified by Chars starting at the rightmost
 character of text.
StringSpaceGenerates a string of spaces within a message tagname or an expression.
StringTestTests the first character of text to determine whether it is of a certain type.
StringToIntgConverts the numeric value of a message tagname to an integer value to which
 mathematical calculations can be applied.
StringToRealConverts the numeric value of a message tagname to a real (floating point)
 value to which mathematical calculations can be applied.
StringTrimRemoves unwanted spaces from text.
StringUpperConverts all the lowercase character in text to uppercase.
TextCauses a message type tagname to display the value of an analog (integer or
 real) tagname based on the specified Format_Text.
WWStringFromTimeExtracts 1 of 5 time formats from a given time/date formatted field:
 1: 08/22/2003
 2: 12:51:26 AM
 3: Fri Aug 22 00:52:03 2003
 4: Fri
 5: Friday
Math Functions 
The following table briefly describes each math script function. For more details and syntax examples, please refer to the InTouch application Help files.
AbsReturns the absolute value (unsigned equivalent) of a specified number.
ArcCosGiven a number between -1 and 1 (inclusive), returns an angle between 0 and
 180 degrees whose cosine is equal to that number.
ArcSinGiven a number between -1 and 1 (inclusive), returns an angle between -90 and
 90 degrees whose sine is equal to that number.
ArcTanGiven a number, returns an angle between -90 and 90 degrees whose tangent is
 equal to that number.
CosReturns the cosine of an angle given in degrees.
ExpReturns the result of e raised to a power.
IntReturns the next integer less than or equal to a specified number.
LogReturns the natural log of a number.
LogNReturns the values of the logarithm of x to base n.
PiReturns the value of Pi.
RoundRounds a real number to a specified precision.
SgnDetermines the sign of a value (whether it is positive, zero, or negative).
SinReturns the sine of an angle given in degrees.
SqrtCauses InTouch to automatically calculate the square root of the value, which
 follows the statement.
TanReturns the tangent of an angle given in degrees.
TruncTruncates a real (floating point) number by eliminating the portion to the right of
 the decimal point.
System Functions 
The following table briefly describes each system script function. For more details and syntax examples, please refer to the InTouch application Help files.
ActivateAppActivates another currently running Windows application.
FileCopyCopies a SourceFile to a DestFile, similar to the DOS Copy command or the
 Copy function in Windows File.
FileDeleteDeletes unnecessary or unwanted files.
FileMoveSimilar to FileCopy() except that it moves the file from one location to another.
FileReadFieldsReads a Comma Separated Variable (CSV) record from a specified file.
FileReadMessageReads specified number of bytes (or a whole line) from a specified file.
FileWriteFieldsWrites a Comma Separated Variable (CSV) record to a specified file.
FileWriteMessageWrites a specified number of bytes (or a whole line) to a specified file.
InfoAppActiveTests whether an application is active.
InfoAppTitleReturns the Application Title or Windows Task list name of a specified program
 which is currently running.
InfoDiskReturns information about a specific local (or network) disk drive.
InfoDosEnvThis function is used to retrieve the setting of a particular DOS environment
InfoFileReturns information about a specific file or subdirectory.
InfoInTouchAppDirReturns the current InTouch application directory.
InfoResourcesReturns various system resource values.
StartAppAutomatically starts another Windows application.
Add-on functions are outside the scope of the InTouch Basic course. They are included here for completeness.
For more information about Add-ons functions, please refer to the InTouch help files.
RecipeDeleteDeletes a Recipe Name from the specified recipe template file.
RecipeGetMessageWrites an error code to an Analog tagname and the corresponding
 error code message to a Message tagname.
RecipeLoadLoads a specific recipe to a specific unit of tagnames.
RecipeSaveSaves a newly created recipe or to save changes made to an existing
 recipe to the specified recipe template file.
RecipeSelectNextRecipeSelects the next Recipe Name currently defined in the recipe template
RecipeSelectPreviousRecipeSelects the previous Recipe Name currently defined in the recipe
 template file.
RecipeSelectRecipeSelects a specific Recipe Name currently defined in the recipe template
RecipeSelectUnitSelects the unit of tagnames to which the current recipe values will be
SPCConnectUsed in conjunction with automatic data collection datasets. Before an
 Automatic data collection dataset will start collecting data, this function
 must be used to indicate to SPC which user the node is.
SPCDatasetDigThis function is used to display the SPCPro Dataset Configuration
 dialog box in WindowViewer. New Datasets can be added and deleted.
 There are no parameters or any return value.
SPCDiconnectThis function is used to disconnect an Agent from a SPC Pro database.
 When this function is used, all datasets that were assigned to the Agent
 that was disconnected will stop collecting.
SPCDisplayDataThis function is designed to allow convenient scrolling of the chart to
 any date and time. You can use a tagname to monitor the status of the
 SPC data search. Status will contain a 0 if SPC found data and 1 if it
 could not find data for the specified time period.
SPCLocateScooterThis function is designed to allow convenient scrolling of the Scooter to
 any valid sample number. The Scooter tagname defined in the dataset
 will be updated with the X-Bar sample value. Setting SampleNumber to
 0 hides/disables the Scooter.
SPCMoveScooterThis function is designed to allow convenient scrolling of the Scooter to
 any valid sample number. The Scooter tagname defined in the dataset
 will be updated with the X-Bar sample value.
SPCSaveSampleSaves a manually input sample. This function is used in conjunction
 with the SPCSetMeasurement function.
SPCSelectDatasetOpens a dialog box from which the user may select a direct dataset.
SPCSelectProductOpens a dialog box from which the user may select a product in a given
SPCSetControlLimitsAllows convenient manual or event driven input of the control limit
 values for a Control Chart.
SPCSetMeasurementAllows convenient manual or event driven inputs of analog
 measurement values by processing the QuickScript.
SPCSetProductCollectedChanges the product being collected in a specified Dataset.
SPCSetProductDisplayedChanges the product being displayed in a specified Dataset.
SPCSetRangeLimitsAllows convenient manual or event driven input of the Control Limits for
 a Range Chart.
SPCSetSpecLimitsAllows convenient manual or event driven input of the specification limit
 values for a Control Chart.
SQLAppendStatementContinues a SQL statement using the contents of string. Errors are
 returned in the function return.
SQLClearParamClears the value of the specified parameter. SQLSetParam must be
 called again before calling the SQLExecute() function.
SQLClearStatementReleases the resources associated with the statement specified by
SQLClearTableDeletes all records in a database table, but keeps the table.
SQLCommitThe SQLCommit() command defines the end of a group of transaction
 commands. The group of commands performed between the
 SQLTransact() command and the SQLCommit() command is called a
 transaction set. A transaction set is handled like a single transaction.
 After the SQLTransact() command is issued, all subsequent operations
 will not be committed to the database until the SQLCommit() command
 is issued.
SQLConnectConnects InTouch to the database specified in the ConnectString.
SQLCreateTableCreates a table in the database using the parameters in the named
 Table Template. Table Templates (defined in the SQL.DEF file)
 determine the structure of a database table.
SQLDeleteDeletes a record or multiple records.
SQLDisconnectDisconnects the user from the database.
SQLDropTableDestroys a table.
SQLEndThis is used after a SQLSelect() function to free resources that were
 being used to store the Results Table.
SQLErrorMsgRetrieves the text error message associated with a specific
 ResultCode. ErrorMsg is the InTouch Memory Message tagname
 (maximum 131 characters) associated with ResultCode.
SQLExecuteExecutes the SQL statement. If the statement is a select statement, the
 BindList parameter designates the name of the BindList to use for
 binding the database columns with tagnames. If the BindList is NULL,
 no tagnames relationships are formed. For example, the SQL
 statement could be Create View, Insert, and so on. Errors are returned
 in the function return. If the statement has been “prepared,” the
 statement handle returned from the prepare should be passed. If the
 statement has not been prepared, the statement handle should be zero
SQLFirstSelects the first record of the Results Table created by the last
 SQLSelect() function. A SQLSelect() function must be processed
 before using this command.
SQLGetRecordRetrieves the record specified by RecordNumber from the current
 selection buffer.
SQLInsertInserts a new record into the referenced table using the values of the
 tagnames in the supplied BindList. The BindList parameter defines
 which InTouch tagnames are used and which database columns they
 are associated.
SQLInsertEndReleases the statement.
SQLInsertExecuteExecute the already prepared statement.
SQLInsertPrepareCreates and prepares an Insert statement for execution. The Insert
 statement is not processed. The SQLHandle parameter is an Integer
 tagname that will contain a value after the statement is processed.
SQLLastSelects the last record of the Results Table created by the last
 SQLSelect() function. A SQLSelect() function must be processed
 before using this command.
SQLLoadStatementReads the statement contained in FileName. At this point the statement
 is similar to one created by SQLSetStatement() function, and can be
 appended to via SQLAppendStatement() function, or executed by
 SQLExecute() function. There can be only one statement per file.
 However, SQLAppendStatement() function can be used to append
 something to the statement if SQLPrepareStatement() function or
 SQLExecute() function has not been called.
SQLManageDSNRuns the Microsoft ODBC Manager setup program. This can be used
 to add, delete and modify all data source names.
SQLNextSelects the next record of the Results Table created by the last
 SQLSelect() function. A SQLSelect() function must be processed
 before using this command.
SQLNumRowsIndicates how many rows met the criteria specified in the last
 SQLSelect() function. For example, if a WhereExpression is used to
 select all rows with a column name AGE, where AGE is equal to 45, the
 number of rows returned could be 40 or 4000. This may determine
 which function is processed next.
SQLPrepareStatementA SQLPrepareStatement() prepares an existing SQL statement for use
 by the SQLSetParam() function. A statement can be created by using
 either a SQLSetStatement(), or SQLLoadStatement(). The statement
 handle is returned.
SQLPrevSelects the previous record of the Results Table created by the last
 SQLSelect() function.
SQLRollbackThe SQLRollback() command reverses, or “rolls back,” the most
 recently committed transaction set. A transaction set is a group of
 commands issued between the SQLTransact() command and the
 SQLCommit() command or the SQLRollback() command. A transaction
 set is handled like a single transaction. After the SQLTransact()
 command is issued, all subsequent operations are not committed to the
 database until the SQLCommit() command is issued.
SQLSelectInstructs the database to retrieve information from a table. When a
 SQLSelect() function is processed, a temporary Results Table is
 created in memory, containing records that can be browsed using
 SQLFirst(), SQLLast(), SQLNext() and SQLPrev() functions.
 Note Always use the SQLEnd() function after a SQLSelect() to free
 resources that were being used to store the Results Table.
SQLSetParamClearSets the value of the specified parameter to the specified string.
 SQLSetParamChar() function may be call multiple times before
 executing, resulting in the parameter value being set to the
 concatenation of all values sent. Lengths of 0 (zero) are ignored.
SQLSetParamDateSets the value of the specified date parameter to the specified string.
SQLSetParamDateTimeSets the value of the specified date-time parameter to the specified
SQLSetParamDecimalSets the value of the specified decimal parameter to the specified
 string. Precision is the number of digits in the value and Scale is the
 number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
SQLSetParamFloatSets the value of the specified parameter to the specified
SQLSetParamIntSets the value of the specified parameter to the specified
SQLSetParamLongSets the value of the specified parameter to the specified
SQLSetParamNullSets the value of the specified parameter to the NULL.
SQLSetParamTimeSets the value of the specified time parameter to the specified string.
SQLSetStatementStarts a SQL statement buffer using the contents of SQLStatement, on
 the established connection, ConnectionID. There can be one SQL
 Statement buffer per ConnectionID. Errors are returned in the function
SQLTransactThe SQLTransact() command defines the beginning of a group of
 transaction commands. The group of commands performed between
 the SQLTransact() command and the SQLCommit() command is called
 a transaction set. A transaction set is handled like a single transaction.
 After the SQLTransact() command is issued, all subsequent operations
 will not be committed to the database until the SQLCommit() command
 is issued.
SQLUpdateModifies a record to update the record with the current tagname values.
SQLUpdateCurrentTakes the currently selected record and updates it with any new
 InTouch values. The following example will update the currently
 selected record.
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