Debugging Functions VB- scripts

Debugging Functions YouTube Tutorial

vb action scripts debugging function

Project Informations VB-Action scripts

The records you place in the Project Information region will not be supplanted naturally, which implies you can have all drives referring to a particular adaptation of an archive. It additionally implies you should check consistently to ensure the archives are as yet current.

 Project Information

Sub OnClick(ByVal Item)   

Dim Infos


Set DSN = HMIRuntime.Tags(“@DatasourceNameRT”)


Infos = “Projectname: ” & HMIRuntime.ActiveProject.Name & vbCrLf & _

“Project Pfad: ” & HMIRuntime.ActiveProject.Path & vbCrLf & _

“Project DSN: ” & DSN.Value 

Dim TextFeld

Set TextFeld = ScreenItems(“StatischerText5”)

TextFeld.Text = Infos

Set DSN = Nothing

End Sub

Color Change HMI Objects in picture window VB-Action script

 Color HMI Objects in the picture window

Sub OnClick(ByVal Item)                       

Dim PictureInWindow

Dim HMIObjects

Set PictureInWindow = ScreenItems(“Window”).Screen.ScreenItems ‘.ScreenItems ‘.ScreenItems(“Circle1”)

For Each HMIObjects In PictureInWindow

If HMIObjects.Backcolor = RGB(255,0,0) Then

HMIObjects.Backcolor = RGB(0,0,255)


HMIObjects.Backcolor = RGB(255,0,0)

End if


End Sub

Read Network Drives VB-Action scripts

Read Network Drives

Sub OnClick(ByVal Item)  

Dim FileSyst, LW, LWListe, Ausgabe, Bezeichnung


Set LWListe = FileSyst.Drives

For Each LW In LWListe

If LW.DriveType = 3 Then ‘Network

Bezeichnung = LW.Sharename

Elseif LW.DriveType = 4 Then ‘CD-ROM

  Bezeichnung = “CD-ROM”


On Error Resume Next

Bezeichnung = LW.VolumeName

End If

Ausgabe = Ausgabe & LW.DriveLetter & ” – ” & Bezeichnung & Chr(13)

Bezeichnung = “”


MsgBox Ausgabe

End Sub

Date/Time VB-Action scripts

 Adding Date/Time 

Sub OnClick(ByVal Item)      

Dim TagX, MonatX, JahrX, StundeX, MinuteX, SekundeX

Dim objOldTime

Dim objNewTime

Dim AktTime

Set objOldTime = ScreenItems(“OrginalDate”)

Set objNewTime = ScreenItems(“NewDate”)

Dim ZahlTage

Dim ZahlStunden

Dim ZahlMinuten

Set ZahlTage = ScreenItems(“eaTage”)

Set ZahlStunden = ScreenItems(“eaStunden”)

Set ZahlMinuten = ScreenItems(“eaMinuten”)

TagX = Day(Now)

MonatX = Month(Now)

JahrX = Year(Now)

StundeX = Hour(Now)

MinuteX = Minute(Now)

SekundeX = Second(Now)

‘Msgbox “Tag: ” & TagX & vbcrlf & “Monat: ” & MonatX & vbcrlf & “Jahr: ” & JahrX & vbcrlf & “Stunde: ” & StundeX & vbcrlf & “Minute: ” & MinuteX & vbcrlf & “Sekunde: ” & SekundeX

objOldTime.Text = Now

AktTime = Now

AktTime = DateAdd(“d”,ZahlTage.InputValue,AktTime) ‘ Tag hinzuaddieren

AktTime = DateAdd(“h”,ZahlStunden.InputValue,AktTime) ‘ Stunden hinzuaddieren

AktTime = DateAdd(“n”,ZahlMinuten.InputValue,AktTime) ‘ Minuten hinzuaddieren

objNewTime.Text = ” Neue Zeit : ” & AktTime

‘MsgBox “Orginal Zeit: ” & Now & vbcrlf & ” Neue Zeit : ” & AktTime

End Sub

Change date to  SQL format

Sub OnClick(ByVal Item)        

Dim TagX, MonatX, JahrX, StundeX, MinuteX, SekundeX

Dim objOldTime

Dim objNewTime

Dim AktTime

Set objOldTime = ScreenItems(“OrginalDate”)

Set objNewTime = ScreenItems(“NewDate”)

Dim ZahlTage

Dim ZahlStunden

Dim ZahlMinuten

Set ZahlTage = ScreenItems(“eaTage”)

Set ZahlStunden = ScreenItems(“eaStunden”)

Set ZahlMinuten = ScreenItems(“eaMinuten”)

TagX = Day(Now)

MonatX = Month(Now)

JahrX = Year(Now)

StundeX = Hour(Now)

MinuteX = Minute(Now)

SekundeX = Second(Now)

‘Msgbox “Tag: ” & TagX & vbcrlf & “Monat: ” & MonatX & vbcrlf & “Jahr: ” & JahrX & vbcrlf & “Stunde: ” & StundeX & vbcrlf & “Minute: ” & MinuteX & vbcrlf & “Sekunde: ” & SekundeX

objOldTime.Text = Now

AktTime = Now

AktTime = DateAdd(“d”,ZahlTage.InputValue,AktTime) ‘ Tag hinzuaddieren

AktTime = DateAdd(“h”,ZahlStunden.InputValue,AktTime) ‘ Stunden hinzuaddieren

AktTime = DateAdd(“n”,ZahlMinuten.InputValue,AktTime) ‘ Minuten hinzuaddieren

objNewTime.Text = ” Neue Zeit : ” & AktTime

‘MsgBox “Orginal Zeit: ” & Now & vbcrlf & ” Neue Zeit : ” & AktTime

Dim TimeSelectionStart,TimeSelectionEnd

TimeSelectionStart = Year(Now) & “-” & Month(Now) & “-” & Day(Now) & ” ” & _

Hour(Now) & “:” & Minute(Now) & “:” & Second(Now)

TimeSelectionEnd =  Year(AktTime) & “-” & Month(AktTime) & “-” & Day(AktTime) & ” ” & _

Hour(AktTime) & “:” & Minute(AktTime) & “:” & Second(AktTime)

Dim SQLStart,SQLEnd

Set SQLStart = ScreenItems(“SQLStart”)

Set SQLEnd = ScreenItems(“SQLEnd”)

SQLStart.Text = TimeSelectionStart

SQLEnd.Text = TimeSelectionEnd

End Sub

Set Date VB-Action scripts

Set Date

Sub OnLButtonDown(ByVal Item, ByVal Flags, ByVal x, ByVal y) 

Dim DatumText

Set DatumText = ScreenItems(“Datum”)

DatumText.Text = InputBox(“Insert Date”)

Set DatumText = Nothing

End Sub

Change Button Color VB-Action scripts

 Change Button Color

Sub OnLButtonDown(Byval Item, Byval Flags, Byval x, Byval y)            

Dim objButton

Set objButton = ScreenItems(“Window”).Screen.ScreenItems(“Button1”)

If objButton.Backcolor = RGB(255,0,0) Then

objButton.Backcolor = RGB(0,255,255)


objButton.Backcolor = RGB(255,0,0)

End If

Set objButton = Nothing

End Sub

Read Archives VB-Action scripts

From the start WinCC Archive 7.4 SP1 supports string type variables. We’re also using an interface that provides a query string variable archive. But so far as of the TIA Portal V15.1, TIA WinCC Professional does not support archive string type variables. 

Read Archives

Sub OnLButtonDown(ByVal Item, ByVal Flags, ByVal x, ByVal y)   

Dim objConnection

Dim strConnectionString

Dim lngValue

Dim strSQL

Dim objCommand

Dim DataSource

Dim Archive

Set Archive = ScreenItems(“Archive”)

Archive.Text = “”

Dim DSN_Name

Set DSN_Name = HMIRuntime.Tags(“@DatasourceNameRT”)

DataSource = DSN_Name.Read

HMIRuntime.Trace “DSN Name : ” & DataSource & vbCrLf

strConnectionString = “Provider=MSDASQL.1;PersistSecurityInfo=False; Data Source=” &DataSource&”;” 

HMIRuntime.Trace “strConnectionString: ” & strConnectionString & vbCrLf

‘Auswahl des Archives

strSQL = “Archive”

‘Auswahl der Tabelle

Set objConnection = CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)

objConnection.ConnectionString = strConnectionString


‘Verbindung zur Datenbank

Set objCommand = CreateObject(“ADODB.Command”)

objCommand.CommandType = 2

‘Im OCX der Type der Tabelle ist 2

With objCommand

    .ActiveConnection = objConnection

    .CommandText = strSQL

‘Commandtext ist der Name der Tabelle

End With

‘Verbindung herstellen

Dim oRs

Set oRs = objCommand.Execute

‘oRs ist der Rรผckgabewert der Tabelle

Do While Not oRs.eof

‘eof bedeutet End of File

Archive.Text = Archive.Text & oRs.Fields(“Valuename”).value & vbCrLf

‘Auswahl der Spalte in der Tabelle die in das Textfenster geschrieben werden sollen


‘ร  sonst wรผrde es eine Endlosschleife (movenext bedeutet geh zur nรคchsten Zeile )



Set oRs=Nothing

Set Archive = Nothing

‘ oRs wird auf null gesetzt

Set objCommand = Nothing


Set objConnection = Nothing

‘SchlieรŸen der Verbindung

End Sub

File Transfer info VB-Action scripts

The application example shows a reverse osmosis plant. The plant has a motor and several valves to control the flows within the plant. The mapping of the analog measuring points, the states of valves and motors, as well as the states of the system, is carried out via VB script. The procedures for the state and analog measurement loop simulation are called via triggered actions. Thus a complete simulation of the reverse osmosis plant is guaranteed. The values of the analog measuring points are stored via a process value archive and the status messages via an alarm archive can be File Transfer.

File Transfer

Sub OnClick(ByVal Item)  

Dim FileSyst

Dim Datei

Const PFAD = “C:Test.txt”


Set Datei = FileSyst.OpenTextFile( PFAD, 2, True, False)

Datei.WriteLine(“First Line inserted….”)

Datei.WriteLine(“Hier kรถnnen viele Zeilen stehen”)

Datei.WriteLine(“Last Line inserted….”)

‘MsgBox Datei.ShortName


MsgBox ” Die Datei: -” & PFAD & “- wurde erstellt”

‘Set datei = FileSyst.GetFile(PFAD)

End Sub

Read RegKey VB-Action scripts

 Read RegKey

Sub OnClick(ByVal Item) 

Const REGPATH = “HKLMSoftwareSiemensWinCCSetupBuildNr”

Dim Shell

Dim Build

Set Shell = CreateObject(“WSCRIPT.SHELL”)

Build = Shell.RegRead(REGPATH)

MsgBox Build

End Sub

The GetValue method of the My.Computer.Registry object can be used to read values in the Windows registry.

If the key, “SoftwareMyApp” in the following example, does not exist, an exception is thrown. If the ValueName, “Name” in the following example, does not exist, Nothing is returned.

The GetValue the method can also be used to determine whether a given value exists in a specific registry key.

When code reads the registry from a Web application, the current user is determined by the authentication and impersonation that is implemented in the Web application.

Network Config VB-Action scripts

Below script is for network path and network drives.

Network Config

Sub OnClick(ByVal Item) 

Dim NW

Set NW = CreateObject(“WSCRIPT.NETWORK”)

MsgBox NW.UserDomain

MsgBox nw.ComputerName 

MsgBox nw.UserName 

End Sub

Open File Dialog VB-Action scripts

Open File Dialog VB-Action scripts winCC
Open File Dialog

Utilization of shell VBS object – > I call DOS orders and catch the shell yield into a book record which I then, at that point read into List Objects on the HMI screen. 

utilization of File System Object – > fso objects give numerous techniques and properties that can be utilized similarly 

It doesn’t look extravagant and it has a few disadvantages, for example, to enter a subdirectory, I utilize a pushbutton to call fitting content, while it would be more pleasant if the client would enter an index with double tap on chosen list thing (basic Click occasion on the List box object works defective when there is a parchment bar showed close to the rundown).

Open File Dialog

Sub OnClick(Byval Item)   

‘ACHTUNG Code funktioniert nur wenn Lizenz von Microsoft da ist

‘ z.b. Visual Studio 6

dim dlgCommonDialog

set dlgCommonDialog = CreateObject(“MSComDlg.CommonDialog”)

On Error Resume Next

        dlgCommonDialog.CancelError = True

        dlgCommonDialog.DialogTitle = “Eine Datei auswรคhlen”

        dlgCommonDialog.Filter =”Alle Dateien(*.*) | *.*”

        dlgCommonDialog.MaxFileSize = 255


 If .Filename <> “” then

  Dim objTextanzeige

  Set objTextanzeige = ScreenItems(“PfadText”)

  objTextanzeige.Text = dlgCommonDialog.Filename


  MsgBox “Keine Datei angewรคhlt”, vbinformation

 End if

set dlgCommonDialog=nothing

End Sub

Windows Color Dialog VB-Action scripts

Display a modular exchange box that permits the client to pick particular shading esteem. The client can pick a shading from either a bunch of essential or custom shading ranges. On the other hand, the client can produce shading esteem by changing the RGB or tone, immersion, radiance (HSL) shading upsides of the discourse box UI. The Color exchange box returns the RGB worth of the shading chosen by the client. 

 Windows Color Dialog

Sub OnClick(ByVal Item)  

dim dlgCommonDialog

set dlgCommonDialog = createobject(“MSComDlg.CommonDialog”)


Dim objButton

Set objButton = ScreenItems(“Button1”)

objButton.BackColor = dlgCommonDialog.Color

‘msgbox “Dez: ” & cstr(dlgCommonDialog.Color) & vbCR & _

‘       “Hex: ” & hex(dlgCommonDialog.Color)

Set objButton = Nothing

set dlgCommonDialog=nothing

End Sub

Read Path VB-Action scripts

Read Path

Sub OnClick(ByVal Item) 

Dim objShell

Dim objEnv

Dim varPath

Set objShell = CreateObject(“WSCRIPT.SHELL”)

Set objEnv = objShell.Environment(“PROCESS”)

varPath = objEnv(“PATH”)

MsgBox varPath

End Sub

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